Subject And Predicate Worksheets
Every sentence consists of two parts, subject and predicate : The part which names the person or thing we speak about. This part of the sentence is called the Subject. What is said of the person or thing denoted by the Subject. This part of the sentence is called the Predicate. Notice how these sentences are divided into Subject and Predicate:— NO. SUBJECT PREDICATE 1. We have done our duty 2. Birds fly in the air 3. A bad workman blames his tools. 4. The Rich are not always happy 5. The Early Bird Catches the worm. The Subject does not always come at the beginning of the sentence : How badly you sing! Across the path lay a frozen snake. Down dropped the breeze. Sweet are the uses of adversity. NO. SUBJECT PREDICATE 1. You sing how badly 2. The breeze dropped down 3. A frozen snake lay across the path 4. The uses of adversity are sweet In Imperative Sentences the Subject is generally left out; as, Do this. [Here the Subject You is understood.] Thank you. [Here the Subject I is understood.] Exercise 1: Divide the following sentences into Subject and Predicate A barking sound the shepherd …