Expressions for Remembering and Forgetting in English and Understandings

Expressions for Remembering and Forgetting: We meet a lot of people and do a lot of different types of work every day. It is very common for us to forget things. We also remember things sometimes. It is extremely important to know how to express that you remember about something or have forgotten about someone or something in English.

We very frequently come across such situations where we remember or forget about certain things. This article has explained what the term “remembering” and the term “forgetting” mean. We need to know about expressions for remembering in English and also about expressions for forgetting in English. We use many different words for remembering in English and words for forgetting in English.

There are also many phrases that can be made use of when we remember about a person or a thing. There are also many phrases that can be made use of when we forget about a person or a thing. The article has also provided you with all the relevant information and tips on how to express that you remember about something or have forgotten about someone or something in English.

We have provided lots of common phrases that you can make use of. We have many expressions for remembering and forgetting. So let us begin.

Remembering and Forgetting

What do you understand by the term “Remembering”?

The term “remembering” can be defined as the situation where you are able to bring in or have in your mind the awareness or information about a person or a thing that is being discussed about at that moment. The thing that is to be remembered is usually a person or a thing from the past.

What do you understand by the term “Forgetting”?

The term “forgetting” refers to a situation where you fail to remember about a person or a thing. It can also be defined as the situation where you have forgotten about a person or a thing. It is the condition or the situation where you are, at that moment, unable to remember about that specific person or thing that is being discussed about.

Remembering and Forgetting 1

Expressions for Remembering in English

To express that you are remembering something, you can start your sentence by using the commonly used phrase “As far as I can remember ….” You can then go on and continue to finish your sentence by stating the things and facts that you remember. You can also make use of the commonly used phrase “I’ll always remember ….” This phrase can be used to express that you remember something or someone who is of great significance and importance.

You can also start your sentence by making use of the commonly used phrase “I remember …” and then carry on to finish the sentence by stating the things that you have just remembered. The very commonly used phrase “If my memory serves me correctly …” can also be used to start you sentence when you want to tell the other person or a group of people about the thing that you are remembering.

The very commonly used phrase or expression that can be used for remembering something is “I will never forget …” You can then add on to write about the things that you remember and you wish to tell the others. If you want to tell a person or a group of people about a thing that you just remembered, you can start your sentence with the very commonly used phrase “As I recall …” The relevant information about the thing that you just remembered can then be added in order to finish the sentence you started.

You can also make use of the commonly used phrase for expressing remembering, “If I’m not mistaken …” The very commonly used phrase “Unless I am mistaken …” can also be made use of. In order to express that you remembered something about a thing or a person, you can start your sentence with the very commonly used phrase “Now I come to think of it …”If you remember something very clearly and want to tell a person or a group of people about the thing that you remembered, you can start your sentence by making use of the very commonly used phrase “I can (clearly) remember …”

You can also begin your sentence using the common phrase and expression for remembering “I have a vague recollection of …” You can then add all the relevant information about the thing that you just remembered to finish your sentence and to let the other person or a group of people know about the thing that you just remembered.

The very commonly used phrase and expression for remembering “As far as I can recall …” can also be made use of to begin your sentence when you are trying to tell the other person or a group of people about the thing that you are trying to remember or recall. You can also make use of this very commonly used phrase “If I remember correctly …” and then carry on to add the things that you have just remembered or recalled to finish your sentence and let the others know about it.

Expressions for Forgetting in English

To express that you have forgotten something, you can make use of the very commonly used phrase “My mind went blank”. The phrase “I cannot remember” can be used to express that you have forgotten about something or someone who is of great significance and importance. The very commonly used phrase or expression that can be used if you have forgotten about someone or something is “I had a senior moment”. You can also make use of the common phrase “I do not memorize anything”.

You can also start your sentence by making use of the commonly used phrase “It does not ring a bell”. The very commonly used phrase “It completely slipped my mind” can also be used to start you sentence when you want to tell the other person or a group of people that you have forgotten about a person or a thing that you should have remembered about.

Remembering and Forgetting 2

The very commonly used phrase or expression that can be used if you want to tell the other person or a group of people that you have forgotten about something is “I’m sorry, I forgot about it”. This is a very kind and polite expression and phrase for showing and telling others that you do not remember about the other person or a thing that is being discussed about.

If you want to tell a person or a group of people about a thing that you have forgotten about, you can start your sentence with the help of the very commonly used phrase “I forget …” The relevant information about the thing that you just have forgotten about can then be added in order to finish the sentence you started.

You can also begin your sentence using the common phrase and expression for forgetting “I lost my train of thought.” You can also make use of the very commonly used phrase and expression for forgetting, “I don’t remember …” You can then add all the relevant information about the thing that you have just forgotten in order to finish your sentence and to let the other person or a group of people know about the thing that you have just forgotten about.

The very commonly used phrase and expression for forgetting “It’s on the tip of my tongue” can also be made use of to begin your sentence when you are trying to tell the other person or a group of people about the thing that you are trying to remember or recall something. You can also make use of this very commonly used phrase “It went in one ear and out the other”.

If you have forgotten about a person or a thing and you want the other person to help you to remember about that thing or tell you what that thing was, you can simply make use of the very commonly used phrase “Can you refresh my memory?” You can also make use of the commonly used phrase “I failed to remember. Can you please help me recall …” and then carry on to add the things that you want the other person to tell you about or the thing about which you want the other person to help you recall.

If you want to tell a person or a group of people about a thing that you have just forgotten about, you can start your sentence with the very commonly used phrase “It escaped my memory that …” The relevant information about the thing that you have just forgotten can then be added in order to finish the sentence you started.

To express that you easily forget about things, you can make use of the very commonly used phrase “I would forget my head if it was not attached”. The phrase “My memory is short” can be used to express that you easily forget about things and even about the people and things that are of great significance and importance.

The Takeaway from this Article

It is extremely important to know how to express that you remember about something or have forgotten about someone or something in English. We very frequently come across such situations where we remember or forget about certain things. This article has explained what the term “remembering” and the term “forgetting” mean. The article has also provided you with all the relevant information and tips on how to express that you remember about something or have forgotten about someone or something in English. We have provided lots of common phrases that you can make use of.

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