Months of the Year | Days in Month and Year, Months in a Year, Famous Indian Festivals

Months of the Year: Our modern Gregorian calendar is divided into 12 months. These Months have either 28 days, 29 days, 30 days, or 31 days. In a typical year, every month has 28 days, 30 days, or 31 days. A common year has 365 days. Every month has 29 days, 30 days, or 31 days in a leap year of a total of 366 days. A leap year is 366 days because there is one leap day that occurs after every four years. And we have 29th February as a leap day in our Gregorian calendar.

There are a total of 12 months. The Gregorian calendar is modern, and it has 12 months in it.

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Months And Number Of Days

  • The 1st month of the Gregorian calendar is January. January has 31 days.
  • The 2nd month of the Gregorian calendar is February. February consists of 28 days when it is a typical year and 29 days when it is a leap year.
  • The 3rd month of the Gregorian calendar is in March. March has 31 days.
  • The 4th month of the Gregorian calendar is April. April has 30 days.
  • The 5th month of the Gregorian calendar is may. And May has 31 days.
  • The 6th month of the Gregorian calendar is June. And it has 30 days.
  • The 7th month of the Gregorian calendar is July. And it has 31 days.
  • The 8th month of the Gregorian calendar is August. And it has 31 days.
  • The 9th month of the Gregorian calendar is September. And it has 30 days.
  • The 10th month of the Gregorian calendar is October. And it has 31 days.
  • The 11th month of the Gregorian calendar is November. And it has 30 days.
  • The 12th month of the Gregorian calendar is in December. And it has 31 days.

Days in Month

So, according to the Gregorian calendar, four months of the Gregorian calendar are 30 days, and seven months of the Gregorian calendar are 31 days. But there’s something different in February. If it is a leap year, then our 2nd month has 29 days. And if it is a typical year, then February has 28 days.

Days in Year

According to the modern calendar, the common year and leap year have 365 days and 366 days, as leap year has one more extra day than the typical year because of leap day (29th February).

But in ancient times, the Roman calendar had only 304 days.

Months in a Year

Our Gregorian calendar comprises 12 months. The forerunner Julian calendar follows the same pattern as the Gregorian calendar. All 12 months’ names are derived from the Roman calendar, and the Roman calendar has only ten months, with the calendar year starting in March (Martius).

Famous Indian Festivals Celebrated Every Month

Famous Festivals in January:

In January, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Republic Day – Celebration of an Independent India, Makar Sankranti – Kite Festival in Gujarat and Lohri in North India, Pongal Harvest in Southern Part of India, Basant Panchami- Celebrating Saraswati, Kumbh Mela.

Famous Festivals in February:

In February, the famous festivals celebrated in our India are as follows: Losar- Tibetan New Year, Maha Shivratri, Carnival in Goa,

Famous Festivals in March:

In March, the famous festival celebrated in India is Holi.

Famous Festivals in April:

In April, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Easter, Mahavir Jayanti.

Famous Festivals in May:

In May, the famous festivals celebrated in India are Mango Season, Buddha Jayanti.

Famous Festivals in June:

In June, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Rath Yatra Orissa, Eid ul-Fitr.

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Famous Festivals in July:

In July, the famous festival celebrated in India is the Meditation Retreat.

Famous Festivals in August:

In August, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Muharram, Independence Day, Rakshabandhan, Janmashtami, Nowruz-Parsi New Year.

Famous Festivals in September:

In September, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Onam, Ganesh Chaturthi – Maharashtra.

Famous Festivals in October:

In October, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Diwali, Navratri, Gandhi Jayanti, Durga Puja, Dussehra.

Famous Festivals in November:

In November, the famous festivals celebrated in India are Dev Deepawali, Gurupurab of Guru Nanak Jayanti.

Famous Festivals in December:

In December, the famous festivals celebrated in India are as follows: Hornbill Festival, Nagaland, Rann Utsav- Kutch Festival, Camel Treks, New Year, Marriage Season.

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Months According To Roman Calendar

According to the Roman calendar, September is the 7th month, October is the 8th month, November is the 9th month, and December is the 10th. Romans gave these months’ names based on the number of months. But after adding January and February in the month calendar, all the previous positions of months provided by Romanian were changed. Now September, which was termed as 7th month, is changed to 9th month. Similarly, it is also followed for other months.

Well, in many places, still people use their religious calendar for their festivals for many reasons. Many calendars use months to divide a year into a short period, like the Islamic, Hindu, and Hebrew. But the most used calendar is a Gregorian calendar.

Many times we notice that a month can be written into short form, meaning they are written in 2-3 letters, but remember all the months can’t be shortened into 2-3 letters as those months are of 3-4 letters.

The months which can be shortened in 2-3 letters, are

  1. January- Jan,
  2. February- Feb,
  3. March- Mar,
  4. April- Apr,
  5. August- Aug,
  6. September- Sept,
  7. October- Oct,
  8. November- Nov,
  9. December- Dec.

As many times the spelling changes depending on the English, we use if we use American or British, the spelling changes, but this does not show any changes in the spelling of months.

FAQ’s on Months of the Year

Question 1.
What is your birthdate?

When we tell our birth date to any person, we tell the date and month of our birthday. For example, my birthday is on 4th February. Sometimes telling the year of birth also becomes essential. So, we say: my birthdate is 4th February 2005.

Question 2.
In which month are we going to celebrate Christmas?

Since Christmas is celebrated on the 25th day of December, we say we will celebrate Christmas on 25th December.

Question 3.
When will we meet? In which month?

When we meet someone its essential to tell a date, so we say we will be meeting on 14th February.

Let’s know some of the details regarding the Hindu calendar, let’s know their names according to the Gregorian calendar;

NO.SanskritLengthStarting Month date
1Chaitra30/3122nd March
2Vaishakha3121st April
3Jyaistha3122nd May
4Ashadha3122nd June
5Shravana3123rd July
6Bhadrapada3123rd August
7Ashvini3023rd September
8Kartika3030th October
9Mahayana3022nd November
10Pausha3022nd December
11Magha3022nd January
12Phalguna3020th February

The conceptual decodes of the Hindu calendars are found in the Hebrew calendar, the Chinese calendar, and the Babylonian Calendar. But its design is different from the Gregorian calendar. The Hindu calendar has been in use since Vedic times, and it is used all over the world. Ancient Buddhist communities followed the Vedic calendar rather than the Vikram calendar, and after that, they used the local Buddhists calendar. The Hindu calendar is based on the following: the Buddhists calendar and Lunisolar calendars of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos. The ancient Jains, too, followed the Hindu calendar. The Hindu calendar is essential for Hindu astrology and its zodiac signs. The Vikram calendar is named after the name of Vikramaditya and started in 57 BCE.

Zodiac Signs According To Hindu Months

Aries (Mesha): 14th April to 14th May

Taurus (Vrishaba): 15th May to 14th June

Gemini (Mithuna): 15th June to 14th July

Cancer (Karkata): 15th July to 14th August

Leo (Simha): 15th August to 15th September

Virgo (Kanya): 16th September to 15th October

Libra (Tula): 16th October to 14th November

Scorpio (Vrishchika): 15th November to 14th December

Sagittarius (Dhanus): 15th December to 13th January

Capricorn (Makara): 14th January to 11th February

Aquarius (Kumbha): 12th February to 12th March

Pisces (Meena): 13th March to 13th April

12 Islamic Months Names

  1. Muharram
  2. Safar
  3. Rabi Al-Awwal
  4. Rabi Al-Thani
  5. Jamada Al-Awwal
  6. Jumada Al-Thani
  7. Rajab
  8. Shaban
  9. Ramadan
  10. Shawwal
  11. Dhul Qadah
  12. Dhul Hijjah

The Islamic calendar is known as the Hijri calendar and the Muslim calendar too. Every month begins at the time of the new moon. The months are either 29 days or 30 days except the one of Dhū al-Ḥijjah because its length changes in every 30-year cycle. Dhū al-Ḥijjah has 30 days in 11 years of its cycle, and it has other 29 days in 19 years of its cycle. Thus according to the Islamic calendar, a year has either 354 or 355 days.

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