Human Body Parts Names | List of Human Body Parts Names in English With Description

Human Body Parts Names: There are a variety of reasons why it could be necessary to speak English about certain bodily parts, and there are more than 50 body parts names that one should know and one of which being if you were admitted to a hospital in an English-speaking nation and needed to explain your condition.

In English, there are a plethora of terms that are used to refer to body parts, and in this section, we have tried to put up major human body part pictures with names, one will learn how to refer to each one. This will not only increase a person’s vocabulary but will also help the person communicate and comprehend discussions in English more effectively. We have made a list of human body part names with pictures.

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List of Human Body Parts Names

Name of Human Body Parts

List of Human Body Parts

Description of Human Body Parts on the list


The brain, forehead, ears, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin, and mouth are all parts of the head that help with numerous sensory processes such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste.

– He kissed her on the brow.


The face is the part of an animal’s head that contains three sensory organs: the eyes, nose, and mouth, and through which animals exhibit a wide range of emotions. The face is important for human identity, and harm to it, such as scarring or developmental abnormalities, has a negative impact on the psyche.

– She had a lovely face.


Hair is a protein filament that develops from the dermis’ follicles. Hair is considered one of the most distinguishing features of animals. Aside from regions of glabrous skin, the human body is covered in follicles that generate dense terminal and fine vellus hair.

– Her hair was black and short.


The ear is the organ that allows animals to hear and balance. The ear in animals is divided into three sections: the outer ear, the inner ear, and the middle ear. The ear canal and pinna form up the outer ear.

– Her hair was tucked behind her ears.


The neck is the portion of the body that links the head to the torso and allows the head to move. It is made up of several vertebrates. The human neck’s structures are divided into four compartments: vertebral, visceral, and two vascular compartments.

– Jean wore a pearl necklace around her neck.


The forehead is a region of the head bordered by three characteristics, two of the skull and one of the scalp, in human anatomy. The hairline, or the border of the region where the hair on the scalp develops, runs across the top of the forehead.

– She has a round face with a prominent forehead.


The hair on the jaw, cheeks, chin, upper lip, lower lip, and neck of humans and some non-human animals is named a beard. In humans, beards are often grown by adult males or pubescent. A beard may grow in some women with hirsutism, a hormonal disorder characterised by excessive hairiness.

– That beard of yours has to be shaved.


The visual system includes the eyes. They provide animals eyesight, the capacity to receive and interpret visual information, and the ability to perform various photo response functions that are not dependent on vision.

– The beholder is the judge or the eye of beauty.


The nostrils, or nares, which accept and release air for breathing alongside the mouth, are housed in the nose of vertebrates. The olfactory mucosa and sinuses are located behind the nose.

– She punched Mukesh in the nose with her fist.


The mouth, which is also known as the oral cavity, buccal cavity, or cavum oris in Latin, is the aperture through which many animals take in food and emit vocal sounds in animal anatomy.

– She prepared to say something when she opened her mouth.


The human chin (also called the mental protuberance, mental eminence, and, less commonly, mental osseum, tuber symphyseos) is the forward pointed portion of the anterior mandible (mental area) below the lower lip. The chin of a fully grown human skull measures between 0.7 and 1.1 cm.

– My chin lay on my drawn-up knees.


The clavicle (collarbone), scapula (shoulder blade), and humerus (upper arm bone) are the three bones that make up the human shoulder, as well as related muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The shoulder joints are the articulations between the bones of the shoulder.

– He took his hand off her shoulder and walked away.

Human Body Parts 1


The elbow is the visible joint that connects the upper and lower arm. The olecranon, the elbow pit, the lateral and medial epicondyles, and the elbow joint are all significant features.

– As he talked, he rested one elbow on the wall.


The arm is the portion of the upper limb between the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) and the elbow joint in human anatomy. The arm is commonly extended through the hand.

– Tim’s mother encircled him with her arms.


The thorax, or chest, is the area between the neck and the belly in humans, mammals, and other tetrapod creatures. The thorax is known as one of the three main divisions of the creature’s body in insects, crustaceans, and extinct trilobites, each of which is made up of numerous segments.

– Her heart was beating against the inside of her chest.


The axilla (also known as the oxter, armpit, or underarm) is the region just beneath the joint where the arm joins to the shoulder on the human body. It also has a lot of sweat glands. Body odour is formed mostly in the armpit of people. Some have proposed that these odorant compounds act as pheromones, which play a role in mating.

– When I spotted her, she was holding her purse under her armpit.


The area of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist is known as the forearm. The term forearm is utilised in anatomy to distinguish it from the term arm, which is often used to refer to the complete upper limb appendage but, in anatomy, only refers to the upper arm area, whilst the lower “arm” is referred to as the forearm.

– His forearms and shoulders are massive, and his legs are strong.


The radiocarpal joint or wrist joint is the joint between the carpus and the radius. The anatomical region surrounding the carpus includes the distal parts of the forearm bones and the proximal parts of the five metacarpal bones or metacarpus, and the series of joints between these bones thus referred to as a wrist.

– He fractured his wrist as he tumbled downstairs.


The dorsum is the vast rear region of the human body that extends from the back of the neck to the top of the buttocks. It’s the part of the body that’s on the opposite side of the chest and abdomen. The spinal column traverses the length of the back, forming a centre receding region.

– I rolled over onto my back in the garden and gazed up at the sky.


The navel (clinically known as the umbilicus, but generally referred to as the belly button) is a projecting, flat, or hollowed region on the abdomen where the umbilical cord attaches. A navel is present in all placental animals.

– She was dressed in a checkered shirt with a knot over her navel.


The digits (fingers) of a tetrapod’s foot are called toes. Animals that walk on their toes, such as cats, are referred to as digitigrade. Plantigrade animals include humans and other animals that walk on the soles of their feet; unguligrade animals are known to walk on hooves at the tips of their toes.

– When we were dancing, I kept stepping on his toes.

Human Body Parts 2


The talocrural region, or the area where the foot and leg connect, is known as the ankle. The talocrural joint, the inferior tibiofibular joint and the subtalar joint are the three joints that make up the ankle. The foot’s dorsiflexion and plantarflexion motions are produced at this joint.

– While playing squash, she injured her ankle.


The region of the abdomen between the rib cage and the hips is known as the waist. The waist is the smallest portion of the body in persons with thin bodies. The waistline is the horizontal line that runs across the narrowest part of the waist or the overall look of the waist.

– The waistband on these trousers is a little too tight for me.


The abdomen (also known as the midriff, belly, tummy, or stomach) is the region of the body that is between the thorax (chest) and the pelvis. The abdomen is the front portion of the torso’s abdominal region. The abdominal cavity refers to the space inhabited by the abdomen.

– He was in excruciating agony in his abdomen.


The buttocks (plural: buttocks) are two rounded parts of the external anatomy of most animals that are positioned on the back of the pelvic area. The buttocks are situated between the lower back and the perineum in humans.

– These are generally injected into the muscle of the arm, thigh, or buttock.


The hip joint, also well-known as the acetabulofemoral joint (art. coxae), is the joint that connects the femur to the acetabulum of the pelvis. Its major purpose is to support the body’s weight in both static (such as standing) and dynamic (such as walking or running) postures.

– The new jackets have a beautiful blouse that falls beautifully above the hip line.


A leg is a weight-bearing and locomotive anatomical component with a columnar form in most cases. Legs serve as “extensible struts” during movement. The sum of all joint motions may be represented as a single, linear element that can change the length and rotate around an omnidirectional “hip” joint.

– He scratched his leg, which had been bitten by an insect.


The thigh is the part of the human body between the hip (pelvis) and the knee in human anatomy. It is a component of the lower limb anatomically. The femur is the only bone in the thigh. Because of the large amount of bone tissue, this bone is exceptionally thick and robust, and it creates a ball and socket joint at the hip and a modified hinge joint at the knee.

– She was dressed in a white dress with a thigh-high slit.


The knee connects the thigh to the leg in humans and other primates, and it has two joints: one between the tibia (tibiofemoral joint) and the femur, and another between the femur and the patella (patella-femoral joint) (patellofemoral joint). It is the human body’s biggest joint.

– Lucy’s knee was wrapped in a bandage.


In many animals, the foot (plural: feet) is an anatomical structure. It’s the part of a leg that bears weight and allows you to move about. The foot is a separate[clarification needed] organ at the terminal portion of the leg in many animals with feet, made composed of one or more segments or bones, usually incorporating claws or nails.

– My foot is in pain.


A hand is a prehensile, multi-fingered appendage located at the end of the forearm or forelimb. The koala is another mammal having “hands” instead of paws (which has two opposable thumbs on each “hand” and fingerprints that are remarkably similar to human fingerprints).

– One-handed clapping is impossible.


Next to the index finger, the thumb is the first finger of the hand. The thumb is the outermost finger when a person stands in the medical anatomical posture (with the palm pointing front).

– She gently held the coin between her index and middle fingers.

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