How to Express Your Opinions in English | List Of Words And Phrases To Use While Expressing Your Opinions

How to Express Your Opinions in English: We have all been in situations where we have been asked to give opinions about a certain matter with a room full of people. You’ll the points that have been started but you do not agree with all of them and have your suggestions for them. However, you do not know how to express your opinions effectively.

Well, you are lucky as in this article, we discuss the opinion words and phrases that you can use to express yourself the next time you fall into such a situation. We have also included a list of expressing opinion sentences examples for your better understanding.

How to Express Your Opinions

What do you mean by an opinion?

In simple terms, an opinion is what an individual feels or thinks about a certain topic or issue. It is a viewpoint that you have from your personal experiences. Thus, opinions are remarks that express people’s feelings or beliefs regarding various subjects and topics.

Therefore, it’s critical to know how to explain yourself properly and in an ordered manner so that no one misunderstands you or is insulted. about

Things to remember while expressing your opinions

As stated earlier, you should express an opinion in an orderly manner. You do not want people to get offended by what you are saying. To do that, you need to ensure that you follow the following structure.

  • An opening statement that clarifies that you have your viewpoint which you would like to express
  • Reasons as to why you have an opinion regarding the topic or issue.
  • A conclusion that ends your opinion.

Tips for effectively working on how to express your opinions

Expressing your opinions is an art. You have to practice it, and you will eventually state user opinions at a gathering of people. Here are some tips by which you can express your opinions effectively.

  • Keeping a diary in which you write about your day and your opinions every day can be an effective method to start working on how to express your opinions.
  • Listening to other people stating their opinions and how they talk can help you understand how to express yourself in public.
  • This is a simple way to start giving your opinions. Next, watch a movie or a show, and write about what you like and dislike about it.
  • Lastly, probably the most important tip of them all. Try talking about a certain topic or issue all by yourself, in front of a mirror. This will help you to build that self-confidence and be more effective while expressing your opinions.

List of words and phrases to use while expressing your opinions

As far as I am concerned, …

Example: As far as I am concerned, we should not conclude decisions without discussing them with the university authorities.

As far as I know…

Example: As far as I know, only a few restaurants allow more than 50 people at a time for any gathering now.

As far as I understand…

Example: As far as I understand, only a few people have adequate training to participate in this event.

As for me / As to me, …

Example: As for me, I am okay with anything other than Mexican cuisine.

As I see it…

Example: As I see it, we have limited options to raise funds and should immediately start working on it.

From my perspective

Example: There is no point in so many people going to the dean to talk about a common issue from my perspective.

From my point of view, …

Example: From my point of view, if we can get the things done by the month’s end, we should be able to pull off a great show.

I (strongly) believe that…

Example: I strongly believe that we should not put too much pressure on John during the game.

I am not sure/certain, but…

Example: I am not sure, but only two of the participants will qualify from each college.

I am sure / I am certain that …

Example: I am certain that there need to be at least ten members for the team to participate in the event

I am under the impression that …

Example: I am under the impression that you are a very good guitarist.

I believe that…

Example: I believe that we should give them another chance before we take such a harsh decision.

I bet that ….

Example: I bet that only five will turn up for the outing tomorrow.

I don’t know about other people, but I can say…

Example: I don’t know about other people, but I can say that if it is about changing the society, I’m in.

I gather that …

Example: I gather that only a few students have been able to appear for the exam?

I guess that …

Example: I guess that only the coach and the captain know what the team lineup should be.

I do not doubt that …

Example: I do not doubt that I saw him at the cafe last night with some other people.

I have the feeling that …

Example: I have the feeling that we should not go ahead with the initial planning and make some changes to the plans.

I hold the opinion/ view that …

Example: I hold the opinion that only the best students should go for the national tournament.

I might be wrong, but…

Example: I might be wrong, but if we ask the vendor for another 20 plates, it should be enough for everyone.

I feel that…

Example: I feel that the kids need to have a vacation.

I suppose

Example: I suppose only I turned up for the guest lecture from my class.

I think /consider /find /feel /believe /suppose /presume /assume that …

Example: I think there is no point in creating chaos among the faculty members and can be sorted out by us students.

I would say that …

Example: I would say that the one responsible should take charge of whatever happened yesterday.

I want to point out that…

Example: I’d like to point out that we have not seen any growth in terms of publicity last time around.

I’d suggest that

Example: I’d suggest that you not put the monitors under so much pressure as it can affect their studies.

I’m convinced…

Example: I’m convinced that we should go for collaboration with the team.

If you ask me…

Example: If you ask me, it’ll be best if all of us grab the food from home rather than wasting so much money outside.

In my experience…

Example: In my experience, the hall was pretty good and all the services mentioned were accurately maintained.

In my opinion…

Example: In my opinion, we should go to the park. It has much more greeneries and should be a better location if we do an outdoor shoot.

It goes without saying that …

Example: It goes without saying that the team performed well throughout the tournament.

It seems to me that …

Example: It seems to me that not everyone is comfortable with the new fees structure. We should revise it before we move to any other plan.

My feeling on the subject is that …

Example: My feeling on the subject is that if we try to push our marketing further over social media, we will gather more eyes, and as a result, the sales will surely go up.

My view / opinion / belief / impression / conviction is that …

Example: My opinion is that one of us looks after each of the things mentioned in the list. It’ll make camping easier for everyone.

Personally speaking…

Example: Personally speaking, I don’t see why we should take up this matter with HR.

The point is that…

Example: The point is that there are no such compulsions that we have to attend the meeting.

What I mean is…

Example: What I mean is, let the mentor first talk to the dean. If the problem is still unsolved, we will make an official complaint.


We must understand that not everyone will have the same opinion. You should respect and listen to others’ opinions if you want to be heard. Ensuring that you do not sound offensive while expressing your opinions is the key to good and effective communication.

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