Exercise on Kinds of Adverbs

  • An Adverb is a word which adds to the meaning of a Verb, and tells us how a thing is done, when it is done, or where it is done ; e.g
    • Mary sings sweetly.
    • Ashok came yesterday.
    • The sun shines everywhere.


  • Study the Adverbs used in the following sentences :
    • Peter acted wisely.
    • The boys rowed well.
    • She ran fast.
    • The old man walked slowly.
    • The soldier fought bravely. 6. Sita writes badly.
    • She spent all her wealth foolishly.

The Adverbs wisely, foolishly, well, fast, slowly, bravely, badly, show how (or the manner in which) an action is done. Such Adverbs are called Adverbs of Manner.

Adverbs of Manner answer the question—‘How ?’

  • Study the Adverbs used in the following sentences :
    • The boys are waiting outside.
    • We looked for her everywhere.
    • He lives here.
    • The train stops there.
    • Hither and thither the children ran.
    • My brother has gone out.
    • The boys ran forward.

The Adverbs outside, everywhere, here, there, hither, thither, out, forward, show where an action is done. Such Adverbs are called Adverbs of Place.

Adverbs of Place answer the question—‘Where ?

  • Study the Adverbs used in the following sentences :
    • He will come today.
    • She wrote to me yesterday. ,
    • The school will open tomorrow.
    • He came here daily.
    • She left early.
    • She will come presently.
    • The doctor is coming immediately.

The Adverbs today, yesterday, tomorrow, daily, early, presently, immediately, show when an action is done. Such Adverbs are called Adverbs of Time.

Adverbs of Time answer the question —‘When ?’

  • Study the Adverbs used in the following sentences :
    • Twice the boy struck him.
    • You are always late.
    • He came often to this house.
    • He seldom came here.
    • I visited him once.

The Adverbs twice, always, often, seldom, once, show how often an action is done. Such Adverbs are called Adverbs of Number.

Adverbs of Number answer the question—‘How often ?’

  • Study the Adverbs used in the following sentences :
    • He was very tired.
    • He was quite worn out
    • He was nearly exhausted.
    • He is entirely deaf.
    • He was partly pleased.

Each of the Adverbs in the above sentences shows how much or to what extent s thing is done ; e.g.,

How much was he tired ?—Very.

These Adverbs, which show how much or to what extent a thing is done, are called Adverbs of Degree.

Adverbs of Degree answer the question—‘How much ?’

  1. He is quite strong.
  2. Her face is very beautiful.
  3. The sun is extremely hot.
  4. She was almost angry.
  5. The cup was nearly full.

In the above sentences, the Adverbs quite, very, extremely, almost and nearly, which are used with Adjectives strong, beautiful, hot, angry, and full to add something to their meanings, are also called Adverbs of Degree.

  • Read these sentences :
    • When did he come?
    •  Where did he go?
    • How are you today?
    • Why are you late?

In the above sentences, the Adverbs when, where, how, why, are used for asking questions. Adverbs which are used for asking questions are called Interrogative Adverbs.

Exercise 1: Pick out the Adverbs in the following sentences, and say of what kind each is, and what word it modifies:

  1. She acted somewhat foolishly.
  2. We looked for her everywhere.
  3. The servant is paid monthly.
  4. Speak gently to the poor.
  5. The servant has gone upstairs.
  6. Work hard or you’ll be kept in.
  7. She frequently visits us.
  8. She spoke rather crossly.
  9. She is probably right.
  10. She dances quite gracefully.
  11. She gets up early and goes to bed late.
  12. Have you seen an aeroplane go up?
  13. Slowly and sadly we laid him down.
  14. I like Ashok because he works so honestly and devotedly.
  15. The statement seems to be partly true.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the Adverbs chosen from the box:            ‘               ‘

  1. The child has been________treated.
  2. The choir sang________ .
  3. The burglar crept ____
  4. The minister listened____ to the complaints of the villagers.
  5. The children played____in the house.
  6. She_____ comes here now.
  7. I hope you will____be well.
  8. I was ready when John called_____ for me to come.
  9. He did_______ in the examination.
  10. The bull charged _________.
angrily badly brutally silently seldom
patiently loudly soon tunefully noisily

Exercise 3: Give each numbered adverb its opposite. Begin like this: politely—rudely

1. politely carelessly 5. loyally nowhere
2. foolishly wisely 6. modestly noisily
3. sadly rudely 7. everywhere boastfully
4. carefully joyfully 8. silently disloyally

Exercise 4: Fill up the blanks with suitable Adverbs of Degree:

  1. He works __________ hard.
  2. He was __________ worn out.
  3. You are __________right.
  4. She rose __________ early.
  5. I am __________ glad to see you.
  6. He is __________ deaf.
  7. He was __________ exhausted.
  8. I am __________ better today.
  9. The cup was __________ full.
  10. The sea was __________ calm.

Exercise 5: Replace the phrases in italics with single words chosen from the box :

angrily punctually now           annually everywhere
briefly sometimes soon          suddenly immediately
  1. She looked in all places for her lost child.
  2. She shouted in an angry manner.
  3. Can you explain your plan in a few words?
  4. Please come here without delay.
  5. The train arrived at the time fixed.
  6. Where is your mother living at the present time?
  7. Diwali is celebrated once a year.
  8. All of a sudden he took out his revolver and fired at me.
  9. Now and then I have letters from her.
  10. You will hearfrom her in a short time.

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