Comma Before So | When to Use a Comma Before “So”

Comma Before So: So as you look at the heading, you will have an idea that we are going to talk about using a comma before so. In this article, we will be talking about When “so” joins two clauses in a sentence. Can we place a comma before it? Use a Comma with “So” + an Independent Clause, FANBOYS, Don’t Use a Comma with “So” + a Dependent Clause, A Quick Trick for Deciding If You Need a Comma before “So”, examples, FAQS, summary so above topics are discussed in detail in the whole article. In addition, we have talked about independent clauses, dependent clauses, given examples of joining them, the Oxford comma and many more. Let’s begin the topic of When to use a comma before “so” When “So” Joins Two Clauses In A Sentence, Can We Place A Comma Before It? Use A Comma With “So” + An Independent Clause Don’t Use a Comma with “So” + a Dependent Clause A Quick Trick for Deciding If You Need a Comma before “So” FAQ’s on Comma Before So Final Words on Comma Before So When “So” Joins Two Clauses In A Sentence, Can We Place A Comma Before …

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Comma Splice | All About A Comma Splice, How To Correct?

Comma Splice: A comma splice is a conjunction that joins two independent clauses together without using a convergence between them. Some see this as an example of a run-on sentence, while others see a grammatical mistake. A comma splice looks like this: Koala bears, despite their name, are marsupials and not bears. It is possible to undo thee different types of comma splice mistakes. You can use a conjunction, a semicolon instead of a comma, or separate each independent clause into its sentence to improve readability. Spliced Commas Are Used To Separate Clauses How to Correct a Comma Splice in a Document? Make Sentences Distinct From Each Other Additional Comma Splice Examples Is It Ever Okay to Use Comma Splices? A Comma Splice Can Be Fixed in a Few Simple Ways Pick a Conjunction that Goes Well Together Use a Period to Deliver a Brief Message The Semicolon Has Arrived! Splices With The Incorrect Use of the comma Use of a Conjunctive Adverb Incorrectly Conjunctive Adverb Mistakes to Avoid Spliced Commas Are Used To Separate Clauses There are several types of common grammar mistakes that can be avoided by simply paying attention to the usage of commas. As an illustration, …

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How to Quote a Quote Properly in American and British English

How to Quote a Quote: In American English, double quotation marks are used for direct quotations, and single quotes are used for references within quotations. Instead of using a double quotation mark inside another section, the British prefer to use single quotation marks. Quote a Quote An Explanation Of The Correct Way To Quote Someone Distinctions Between US and UK English In-between-quotations Citations Invoking the Strength of a Statement You Could Say The Following When Quoting This Section Quoting from Within Another Quote Use a Quotation in American English by Following These Steps What Happens When You Put Punctuation Inside a Quotation Mark? English Punctuation in the United States of America Guidelines for Writing Quotations Correctly Using Commas And Quotation Marks Properly in British English An Explanation Of The Correct Way To Quote Someone Because of the peculiar rules of the English language, writing may be both straightforward and enjoyable. Even though there exist regulations, they can be challenging to understand in some situations. The purpose of this article is to clarify what a quote is in both American and British English and how to utilize it in both languages correctly. When it comes to quotation marks, the rules can …

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Exclamation Mark | All About The Exclamation Mark, Purpose and History

Exclamation Mark: Ending sentences with an exclamation point (sometimes known as an exclamation mark) is acceptable usage. It’s less frequent than the period or the question mark, but it’s straightforward to use. Some would argue that it is too simple to use. Exclamation Mark in English What Is the Purpose of an Exclamation Point? Something to Get Excited About in the Punctuation Quotations with an Exclamatory Tone Abuse of the Exclamation Mark When Should You Use Exclamation Points? When a Question Mark followed by an Exclamation Point Examples of Exclamation Points The Use of Multiple Exclamation Marks is Insane! Do Exclamation Marks Have a Place in Formal Written Communication? The Exclamation Mark Has a Long and Interesting History Punctuation Marks are Writing Conventions that must be followed What Is the Purpose of an Exclamation Point? In declarative statements, periods should be used at the end of the sentence, and question marks should be used after interrogative sentences. Exclamation points should be used at the end of exclamatory sentences. It is a powerful or forceful emotion, such as wrath, surprise, or excitement, expressed in an exclamatory statement. Exclamation marks are also regularly encountered in conjunction with sentence fragments and unexpected interjections. …

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Useful Phrases for Speaking Polite English | How Can you Be Polite?

Useful Phrases for Speaking Polite English: We meet different types of people every day. They are all different from one another. There are some people whom we do not know well and yet others whom we know very well. We should always be polite to others. We should always have and express a behaviour that is considerate of the other person or the group of people we are having a conversation with each other or amongst anyone. We should always be well mannered and respectful towards others. We can be polite by making use of polite expressions, words and phrases while having a conversation with any person or a group of people in English. It is very important for us to know how to properly use polite expressions, dialogues and words in English. With the help of this article, we will tell you about the Useful Phrases for Speaking Polite English. We will also tell you about certain phrases and terms that would help you to have a good conversation in English. We have a polite words list in English here. So let us begin the article and learn about various ways to say polite words. Useful Phrases for Speaking …

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BBMP Property Tax | Endeavors, Meaning, Importance, Types and Payment

BBMP Property Tax: Taxes are one amongst the various major sources of income for the Government, which supports them in funding various facilities to be presented to the general public of any country in the world. These taxes are levied on several things such as income tax on wages, Goods and Commodities Tax or Service Tax on goods or such aids, etc. Certain taxes are administered centrally, whereas several other taxes are state-specific, and those states that levy these taxes, receive revenues to support the State budget. Property tax, especially BBMP Property Tax is one such mention worthy tax levied by the State Government by the local body on real estate, including uninhabited land, yearly. This tax is foisted on the owner of the property or plot. Bangalore, thus, has drawn plenty of people from across India. Most people move to renowned Silicon Valley for business and find themselves acquiring their own homes. The BBMP charges inheritance tax to those who obtain real estate in the city. Hence, this article has been written exclusively to clear queries of our dear readers about various topics related to the BBMP Property Tax, such as, BBMP Property Tax payment, BBMP Property Tax online …

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Answers To Common English Questions | Commonly Asked Questions and Question & Answers for Beginners

Answers To Common English Questions: No matter how much English you know, finding the correct words or phrases to answer simple queries might be challenging. English is a very simple language to deal with, and some common questions may help a learner be fluent in this language. This language, however, may be simple has a lot to offer. This article will help you understand more frequently asked English questions and provide you with 100+ commonly asked questions, the answers to these frequently asked questions. I hope this article will help you be better in your fluency in English. Answers To English Questions Questions to answer – beginners Commonly asked questions and their answers Answers to questions to give you a social boost Questions To Answer- Beginners What do you do for a living? I’m a university student. I work in a financial institution. I’m now jobless. I own and operate my own company. I’m no longer employed. Previously, I was a civil engineer. Are you married or unmarried? Yes, i’ve been married for a few years. I’m no longer married. I’m engaged, and we’re planning a wedding for next year. I’m not single, but I am in a relationship. No, …

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Speaking | Useful Tips and Steps for Learning and Improving Spoken English

Speaking: Spoken English can be made more polished only by practising the write methods. It can be a quite tough skill to master if English is not, one’s native language, but it is not impossible. One’s speaking skills can be improved by following the correct steps and tips. In this article, we have developed a number of methods to speak and improve one’s spoken English. Apart from the basics – listening, reading, writing and speaking – there are various other ways of improving English speaking skills. We have talked about both the generic as well as listed some tips which will surely help you master the skill. Speaking English Why one can’t speak in English fluently Skills of Spoken English Ways of improving your spoken English skills Tips for speaking English confidently and fluently Conclusion Why one can’t speak in English fluently Before we get into depth about how to improve your spoken English, let’s talk about why one might find speaking in English difficult. English might not be your native language In case English is not one’s native language, then they are most likely to face many challenges with the language. Imagine putting together all of these at the …

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Formal and Informal Expressions in English | Useful Formal and Informal Expressions

Formal and Informal Expressions in English: We meet different types of people every day. They are all different from one another. There are some people whom we do not know well and yet others whom we know very well. When we are in the serious situation and are having a formal conversation with people we do not know very well, we use formal expressions in English. When we are in a relaxed situation and are having an informal conversation with people we do know very well, we use informal expressions in English. It is very important for us to know how to properly use formal and informal phrases in English. We should also know about the useful formal words in English and also the useful informal words in English. With the help of this article, we will tell you about the Useful Formal and Informal Expressions in English. We will also tell you about certain phrases and terms that would help you to have a good formal conversation and also a good informal conversation in English. So let us begin. Formal and Informal Expressions What would you understand by the term “Formal Expressions”? What do you understand by the term …

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Asking Somebody’s Opinion & Reminding Someone to Do Things | How To Ask and Ways of Asking

Asking Somebody’s Opinion & Reminding Someone to Do Things: To ask other people about their opinion we need to know the correct wordings and phrases to use and any time when you ask someone to do certain things and you find that they forgot it, and needs a reminder. This article has certain useful phrases one can use to give reminders to someone and some ways for asking other people’s opinions are also mentioned. This article helps one to know how to remind someone about something without being annoyed, types of expressing an opinion, reminder phrases examples, asking for a favor, asking for opinion, asking for approval, asking whether someone agrees with you or not, etc. How To Ask Somebody’s Opinion How to ask about someone’s opinion Ways of asking someone for an opinion How to send a reminder to someone without being annoying? Types of expressing an opinion How to gently remind someone about something at work? Takeaway Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) How to ask about someone’s opinion Sometimes regarding certain things taking others’ viewpoints become necessary. Some general ways to ask for opinions are listed here and learning these might be useful in certain situations. To ask for …

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