Comma Splice | All About A Comma Splice, How To Correct?

Comma Splice: A comma splice is a conjunction that joins two independent clauses together without using a convergence between them. Some see this as an example of a run-on sentence, while others see a grammatical mistake.

A comma splice looks like this: Koala bears, despite their name, are marsupials and not bears.

It is possible to undo thee different types of comma splice mistakes. You can use a conjunction, a semicolon instead of a comma, or separate each independent clause into its sentence to improve readability.

Spliced Commas Are Used To Separate Clauses

There are several types of common grammar mistakes that can be avoided by simply paying attention to the usage of commas. As an illustration, consider the following:

  • Koala bears, despite their name, are marsupials, not bears.

The only way to tell is to look at the punctuation. See what comes before the comma in this sentence.

  • Although they may look like them, koala bears aren’t bears.

Aside from being a complete sentence, this collection of words can also stand alone. An independent clause can only be used when the sentence is complete. Take a look at the string of words that follow the comma now. They’re a kind of marsupial species. An entire sentence can be made out of just these ten words. It’s a new clause of its own. A comma cannot hold two different clauses simultaneously while a semicolon separates them.

How to Correct a Comma Splice in a Document?

A comma splice can be corrected in three ways.

I am not mad at you, but I am also not happy with you.

  1. The first fix consists of adding conjunction.

Adjectives like conjunctions and prepositional phrases are good ways to break up long sentences. For the most part, the intersection you’ll want to use when splicing commas are and, but, or else.

I am not mad at you, but I am also not fond of you.

  1. Switch the Comma with a Semicolon

If inserting conjunction doesn’t work, try changing the comma to a semicolon. Semicolons, as opposed to commas, can hold two separate clauses together.

I am not mad at you, but I am also not happy with you.

A semicolon should only be used when the two independent clauses are closely related.

Make Sentences Distinct From Each Other

Instead of using a semicolon or conjunction to break up a comma splice, break up each independent clause into its sentence.

I have no ill feelings toward you. You’ve got my ire, too.

Additional Comma Splice Examples

Is it starting to click for you? Another set of comma splice examples, this time with suggested corrections.

It’s so monotonous

Conjunction such as and, or, but is unnecessary following the comma in the preceding sentence. However, it appears that the first independent clause and the leading independent clause are closely linked logically. The use of a semicolon here is ideal.

Those two independent clauses should also be broken up and made into two separate sentences.

This English class is boring to me, so I’m considering skipping it. Everything about it is so monotonous.

Here’s another shot:

  • Because Daniel was running late, we were forced to leave without him.

The conjunction is a perfect fit here.

  • We had to leave without Daniel because he was running late.

Use A Comma Instead Of A Semicolon Instead

  • We had to leave without Daniel because he was running late.

Make two sentences instead of one, particularly if you want this to sound direct.

  • Daniel was running a few minutes late. We did not take him with us when we went out.

Is It Ever Okay to Use Comma Splices?

Yes! In formal writing, comma splices are to be avoided. However, now that you are aware of the rule, you are free to defy it. One way to convey rapid-fire thoughts or observations is through an exclamation point (,) seen in fiction.

She was gorgeous, stunning, and captivating all at the same time.

When used sparingly, comma splices can also give the impression of grandeur in rhetoric. I came, I saw, and I took it all back by the force of arms. Poetry, on the other hand, has even fewer restrictions. A comma splice can add just the right amount of rhythm in certain situations.

A Comma Splice Can Be Fixed in a Few Simple Ways

A comma splice can be fixed in several ways. If you want to write in a way that follows standard grammar rules, you can use any methods outlined below.

Pick a Conjunction that Goes Well Together

In a sentence, coordinating conjunctions link two distinct clauses together. The seven coordinating conjunctions are not, but, yet, and, for, or so on. Using these words connects two unrelated clauses logically.

I penned a card but never sent it.

To keep the two independent clauses independent, use a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunction and a comma join two independent clauses.

Use a Period to Deliver a Brief Message

A period should be used in place of the comma that separates the two independent clauses. A comma can effectively conclude a sentence. By adding a period, the clauses will be split into two separate sentences.

I sent a card to my friends. I never sent it.

The two sentences that result are grammatically correct. Simplistic language can come across as abrupt. A different approach to fixing your comma blunder can be found if this one doesn’t work well for you. The best way to punctuate a sentence with two independent clauses that are not equal in length is with a period. A period may be used between two clauses that appear separate but are connected logically.

The Semicolon Has Arrived!

Semicolons are often thought to be more challenging to use than periods. Semicolons are a subject about which most people receive little instruction. Thus, some may be wary of employing a semicolon to separate two thoughts unambiguously. As a result, they communicate using different types of punctuation. It’s critical to step outside your comfort zone, whether in grammar or other aspects of your life. You’ll improve as a writer as you learn more grammar rules.

Even though I wrote a card; I never sent it.

Two independent different clauses can also be joined with a semicolon. If two clauses are related or logically connected, use a semicolon. A semicolon should be used if the clauses appear in a logical or timed order.

This Is How You Remove a Coordinating Conjunction

Words or phrases which connect two independent different clauses simultaneously are known as subordinating conjunctions. They announce the addition of essential details to the sentence with these words and phrases. The specifics work in concert with the main idea to create a complete thought. The subordinating conjunction reveals an association between cause and effect. It can also denote a change in date, time, or location within the sentence.

The subordinating conjunctions “than,” “whether,” “that,” and “after” are used. Subordinating intersections include the phrases “as much as,” “as soon as,” “as long as,” “by the time,” “now that,” and “rather than.” However, it is another subordinating conjunction that should be included. However, it can be used in two different ways depending on the context.

  • I made a card but never sent it.
  • Despite writing a card, I never sent it.

When subordinating conjunction follows a clause, the following clause gets more attention. For example, “although” emphasizes that this letter was never sent, whereas “although” highlights the fact that this card was written.

Splices With The Incorrect Use of the comma

Always keep in mind that not all conjunctions are created equal. A comma and coordinating conjunction go well together. A comma and a conjunction adverb, on the other hand, are awkward when used together. Commas should never be used before conjunctive adverbs because they confuse. The outcome would hurt the sentence’s grammatical structure. Commas before constructive adverbs cause them to be joined together, leading to comma splicing.

Use of a Conjunctive Adverb Incorrectly

I made a card but didn’t send it because I forgot about it.

“However” is a commonly misused conjunctive adverb. A closer look at grammatical errors reveals the distinctions between subordinating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs: You can start an independent clause with the latter and join two independent clauses with the former.

A comma splice can be resolved by correctly formatting a sentence with a conjunctive adverb. Before a conjunctive adverb, use a semicolon or a period. Add a comma to the end of the sentence after the conjunctive adverb.

Conjunctive Adverb Mistakes to Avoid

  • I made a card but didn’t send it because I forgot about it.
  • I sent a card to my friends. But I didn’t send it. I’m sorry.

The word “however” should be capitalized after the period, as well. After the semicolon, the term “however” should not be capitalized.

“However” is a conjunctive adverb in the third person singular. Your writing will become sluggish if you use the word “however” a lot. However, you can use the word “however” to emphasize important points. Or to highlight the differences between two equally complex expressions.

However, some linguists object to the use of the preposition “however” to begin a sentence.

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