American and British Spelling Differences | List of American and British Spelling Differences With Description

American and British Spelling Differences: We have all come across two different spellings of the same word. Many of us know that we spell the American and British spellings differently, but only a few of us can properly distinguish between them.

Most of the people know either the American English or the British English but it is very important to know both these languages properly in order to accurately distinguish between the American versus British spellings.

We need to be pretty aware of the exact differences between the American and British words. We must also be able to change the spelling of all the words from the American English to British English and from the British English to American English. Here we have a list of American and British spelling differences. We have also provided detailed description of the words along with suitable pictures.

List of American and British Spelling Differences

Name of American and British Spelling Differences

Description of the American and British Spelling Differences given on the list

Or vs Our

Behavior – Behaviour

In the American English, the word can be defined as the way in which someone behaves or acts. The term also refers to the manner in which a person presents himself, especially towards others.

In the British English, the word can be defined as an act of responding to a thing or event that evokes a reaction. The term also refers to the way in which a machine works or the way in which a natural phenomena functions or occurs.

Color – Colour

In the American English, the word can be defined as the attribute of an object which gives rise to various distinct sensations on the eye when it reflects or radiates light. The verb form of the word refers to the act of painting or dying something. Some of them are red, blue, yellow, pink, green, black, and many more.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the quality possessed by an object that gives rise to distinct sensations on the eye when they reflect or radiate light. It also refers to the complexion of the skin.

Endeavor – Endeavour

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of making an attempt and struggling hard to successfully reach the desired result or accomplish something.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the action of attempting to work hard in order to successfully reach the desired result and accomplish something.

Honor – Honour

In the American English, the word can be defined as the quality of great privilege, respect glory and admiration possessed by an object.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the attribute of an object that publicly expresses high approbation and respect. Such an object is usually rewarded to someone in order to show respect and admiration.

Neighbor – Neighbour

In the American English, the word can be defined as a person who lives next door or near someone.

In the British English, the word can be defined as someone who lives very close or near someone else.

Favorite – Favourite

In the American British English, the word can be defined as something that is best loved and preferred to other things.

In the American British English, the word can be defined as something that is preferred to other things and is best loved.

Flavor – Flavour

In the American British English, the word can be defined as the particular taste of a drink or a food item.

In the American British English, the word can be defined as the specific taste of a drink or a food item.

Odor – Odour

In the American British English, the word can be defined as an unpleasant and distinct smell.

In the American British English, the word can be defined as a distinct and an unpleasant smell.

Labor – Labour

In the American British English, the word can be defined as a person who works as a physical worker.

In the American British English, the word can be defined as a person who does physical work.

Zev s Se

Analyze – Analyse

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of examining and studying something in order to understand and comprehend it.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the action performed to understand and comprehend something by examining and studying a certain thing deeply.

Apologize – Apololise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of expressing regret over doing something wrong or behaving in a wrong way.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the process of showing regret on making a mistake or doing something wrong.

Criticize – Critise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of pointing out or showing a fault and disapproval of someone or something.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of finding a fault and expressing disapproval of someone or something.

Organize – Organise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of arranging something in an order.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the process of arranging something systematically in a proper order.

Memorize – Memorise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the process of learning something by heart.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the process of learning something by heart and remembering it properly.

Minimize – Minimise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of reducing something, generally something undesirable, to the smallest quantity possible.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of reducing something, usually something undesirable, to the smallest quantity possible.

Realize – Realise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of becoming fully aware of something and understand it clearly.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the process of understanding something clearly and becoming fully aware of it.

Socialize – Socialise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the process of mixing socially with others by the act of participating in social activities.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of participating in social activities and mixing socially with others. The term also refers to spending time and enjoying with friends and with other people.

Specialize – Specialise

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of becoming an expert or becoming skilled in a particular subject or skill.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of becoming skilled or of becoming an expert in a particular discipline, field or skill.

Ending in a Vowel Plus –l

Counseling – Counselling

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of providing guidance and professional assistance by a trained person who helps someone to deal with both personal and psychological problems.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the activity of a professional and trained person who provides guidance and helps people deal with both personal and psychological problems.

Counselor – Counsellor

In the American English, the word can be defined as a person who has been trained professionally to give assistance and guidance to someone in need and help them deal with both personal and psychological problems.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a professionally trained person who provides assistance and guidance to someone in need, and helps them deal with both personal and psychological problems.

Quarreling – Quarrelling

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of arguing and strongly disagreeing with someone.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the action of strongly disagreeing and arguing with someone.

Traveled – Travelled

In the American English, the word can be defined as the condition of having visited many places.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the state of having visited many places.

Traveler – Traveller

In the American English, the word can be defined as a person who travels.

In the British English, the word can be defined as someone who is travelling.

Traveling – Travelling

In the American English, the word can be defined as the process of going from one place to another.

In the British English, the word can be defined as process of going place to place.

Fueled – Fuelled

In the American English, the word can be defined as the state of having been supplied with or powered with fuel. It is the past tense form and the past participle tense form of the verb fuel.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the past tense form and the past participle tense form of the verb fuel. It is the state of being supplied with fuel.

Modeling – Modelling

In the American English, the word can be defined as the profession of a fashion model. The word also refers to the process of making a model.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the occupation of a fashion model. The word also refers to the act of producing a model.

Er vs Re

Center – Centre

In the American English, the word can be defined as middle point of something. The word also refers to the point in the middle of a circle that is equally distant from any other point on the circumference of the circle.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the point that is situated in the exact middle part of something. The word also refers to the middle point of a circle that is equally distant from any other such point on the circumference of the given circle.

Kilometer – Kilometre

In the American English, the word can be defined as the unit used to measure distance. It is a unit of length.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the unit that is used to measure distance. This word is a unit of length.

Fiber – Fibre

In the American English, the word can be defined as the threadlike object that forms a vegetable tissue or a textile.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the thread or threadlike object that is used to form a textile or a vegetable tissue.

Meter – Metre

In the American English, the word can be defined as the SI unit of length.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the unit used to measure length. This term is the SI unit of length.

Theater – Theatre

In the American English, the word can be defined as the place where a play or a drama is performed.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the location where someone performes a play or a drama.

Specter – Spectre

In the American English, the word can be defined as a ghost or a ghostlike image of a person.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a ghost or a phantom.

E vs Oe/ Ae

Encyclopedia – Encyclopaedia

In the American English, the word can be defined as a reference book that contains information about a specific subject. The information is usually arranged in an alphabetical order or any other systematic order.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a reference book or a set of reference books that contain information about a specific subject. The information is generally arranged in a systematic order or in an alphabetical order.

Anemia – Anaemia

In the American English, the word can be defined as the state of deficiency of haemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the state in which the blood has a certain deficiency of red blood cells or haemoglobin.

Estrogen – Oestrogen

In the American English, the word can be defined as the steroid hormone that is produced in the bodies of female human beings and female animals.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the steroid hormone that the bodies of female human beings and female animals produce.

Medieval – Mediaeval

In the American English, the word can be defined as the condition of showing a connection to the Middle Ages.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the condition of showing a link or being linked to the Middle Ages.

Pediatric – Paediatric

In the American English, the word can be defined as the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of children.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the medicinal branch that deals with children and the diseases of children.

-ll vs –l

Enrollment – Enrolment

In the American English, the word can be defined as the process of officially registering and enrolling someone or being officially registered and enrolled in something.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the process of officially registering someone or being enrolled in something.

Fulfill – Fulfil

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of carrying out a duty as required.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of attaining something desired.

Installment – Instalment

In the American English, the word can be defined as several parts of something that is done at intervals. It also refers to the sum of money which is divided into several equal amounts that are paid at intervals over a fixed period of time.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the parts of a thing that is done or paid at intervals over a certain period of time.

Jewelry – Jewellery

In the American English, the word can be defined as ornaments and accessories that serve the purpose of making something or someone appear more appealing and striking. They are generally made using precious and exquisite metals and contain rare and expensive jewels and gems.

They serve the purpose of decoration. These are worn nowadays by both men and women on their clothes and bodies.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the ornaments made from expensive metals and precious jewels which are used as decorative accessories by both men and women. Some of them are in the form of rings, necklaces, bracelets, and many more.

Skillful – Skilful

In the American English, the word can be defined as the fact of possessing or showing a skill. It is usually attained by the act of practising a task or an art very well.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the fact of being good at doing something. It is attained by practising something repeatedly and regularly.

American and British Spelling Differences 1

Se vs Ce

Defense – Defence

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of protecting and resisting the effect of an attack or a criticism.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the action of resisting the effect of an attack or a criticism. It also refers to the case presented by the accused or on behalf of the accused in a law court.

License – Licence

In the American English, the word can be defined as an official document provided by a person or organization having administrative power that gives someone the permission, freedom and authorization to do a particular thing or to carry on and maintain a trade or a business.

In the British English, the word can be defined as an official document granted by someone having administrative power that gives someone the permission and authorization to do a particular thing or to carry on a business.

Practice – Practise

In the American English, the word practice is used as both the verb and the noun. It can be defined as the act of doing an activity repeatedly and regularly so as to become skilled in it.

In the British English, the word practise is used as the verb and the word practice is used as the noun. It points to the action of doing something repeatedly in order to become skilled in it. It can also be defined as something that is performed regularly as a habit or tradition or custom.

Offense – Offence

In the American English, the word can be defined as an illegal action.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of breaking a law or a rule. It also refers to the feeling of being upset and hurt as a result of being insulted or being disregarded.

Pretense – Pretence

In the American English, the word can be defined as the act of claiming a certain skill or something else that appears to be true but is not.

In the British English, the word can be defined as an act of deception. It is the act of behaving in a way and of deceiving someone by making them believe something that is not true.

Og vs Ogue

Analog – Analogue

In the American English, the word can be defined as a thing which can be seen as similar to something else.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a person or a thing that is comparable and similar to another thing.

Catalog – Catalogue

In the American English, this word can be defined as a handbook that contains a list and record of things or items that are generally arranged in either the alphabetical order or in any other systematic order.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a book that contains a record and a list of items that helps and guides the people who want to buy the products of a company.

Monolog – Monologue

In the American English, the word can be defined as a long speech given by one single actor in a play or one individual character in a story.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a long speech given by an individual actor or any individual person in a play, a film or in any other theatrical performance.

Dialog – Dialogue

In the American English, the word can be defined as the conversations and discussions between two or more characters in a movie or a book.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the discussions and conversations or the series of discussions and conversations between two or more actors in a play or film and between two or more than two characters in a book.

Ck/k vs Que

Check – Cheque

In the American English, the word can be defined as a document that is used for making a payment.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a document that instructs the bank to pay a particular amount from the person’s account to the person in whose name the document has been issued.

Checker – Chequer

In the American English, the word can be defined as a person who verifies something. The word also refers to a cashier.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a game of draughts. The term also refers to a pattern made using squares.

Ed vs T

Dreamed – Dreamt

In the American English, this word is the correct and acceptable past tense form of the verb dream.

In the British English, the term dreamt is more acceptable and is considered the correct past tense form of the verb dream.

Burned – Burnt

In the American English, this word is the correct and acceptable past tense form of the verb burn.

In the British English, this word is more acceptable and is considered the correct past tense form of the verb burn.

Learned – Learnt

In the American English, this word is more acceptable and is considered the correct past tense form of the verb learns.

In the British English, this word is the correct and acceptable past tense form of the verb learns.

Other American and British Spelling Differences

Ass – Arse

In the American English, the word can be defined as an impolite and rude word for a person’s buttocks. The term also refers to a foolish person.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a rude and impolite word for a person’s anus. The term also refers to a stupid and foolish person.

Cozy – Cosy

In the American English, the word can be defined as the feeling of being comfortable and relaxing.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the state or feeling of being pleasant, comfortable and relaxing.

Mom – Mum

In the American English, the word can be defined as a person’s mother.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the mother of a person.

Mustache – Moustache

In the American English, the word can be defined as the part of hair that a person grows on top of the upper lips.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the part of hair that is grown on top of a person’s upper lips.

Pajamas – Pyjamas

In the American English, the word can be defined as a set of loose fitting clothing that people use to sleep in.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a pair of loose fitting trousers that is used for sleeping in.

Program – Programme

In the American English, the word can be defined as an organized plan or schedule.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the act of organizing according to a schedule or a plan.

Tire – Tyre

In the American English, the word can be defined as a soft and inflated covering that is placed around a wheel. It is made of rubber.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the covering made of rubber that is placed around a wheel. It is generally soft and inflated.

Whiskey – Whisky

In the American English, the word can be defined as the alcoholic drink made from malted grain.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the alcoholic drink that is made using malted grain.

Aging – Ageing

In the American English, the word can be defined as the process of growing old.

In the British English, the word can be defined as the process through which an organism grows old.

Sulfer – Sulphur

In the American English, the word can be defined as a non-metallic and combustible chemical element that is yellow in colour.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a yellow coloured chemical element which is a non-metal and is combustible.

Airplane – Aeroplane

In the American English, the word can be defined as a vehicle that can fly, and which has been designed for the purpose of travelling through air.

In the British English, the word can be defined as a flying vehicle that has been designed to fulfil the purpose of travelling through air.

American and British Spelling Differences 2

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