Comma Before So | When to Use a Comma Before “So”

Comma Before So: So as you look at the heading, you will have an idea that we are going to talk about using a comma before so. In this article, we will be talking about When “so” joins two clauses in a sentence. Can we place a comma before it? Use a Comma with “So” + an Independent Clause, FANBOYS, Don’t Use a Comma with “So” + a Dependent Clause, A Quick Trick for Deciding If You Need a Comma before “So”, examples, FAQS, summary so above topics are discussed in detail in the whole article. In addition, we have talked about independent clauses, dependent clauses, given examples of joining them, the Oxford comma and many more. Let’s begin the topic of When to use a comma before “so”

When “So” Joins Two Clauses In A Sentence, Can We Place A Comma Before It?

It depends on the type of clauses that are used in a sentence, and it also depends on the clauses which are introduced by an independent clause or dependent clause. A comma should come before so. If so begins with an independent clause. But if it begins with a dependent clause, do not mention the comma.

Now we will be studying how the commas are used with so in the middle of sentences.

Use A Comma With “So” + An Independent Clause

Before moving forward in the topic, let’s know what an independent clause is? The main clause is another name for an independent clause. If we give a simple and understanding definition for an independent clause, then it is a simple sentence that can stand on its own. Independent clauses contain both subject and a predicate, and that’s why it makes sense by itself. Let’s go through a few examples which are indicating and explain independent clauses.


The earthquake destroyed a great city, but some people saved their lives by using brain potential.

So now we can see in the example that there are a total of two independent clauses that can stand by themselves, and these both independent clauses are joined using coordinating conjunctionbut. If these independent clauses, which are joined using coordinating conjunction, are apart, then also they will make sense in themselves and still these independent clauses will be correct.


The earthquake destroyed a great city.


Some people saved their lives by using brain potential.

FANBOYS is a mnemonic device that has a total of seven coordinating conjunctions. And they are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Whenever these FANBOYS are used to connect to independent clauses, then always a comma is kept before those FANBOYS.


I didn’t know how to cook rice, so I told my mother to cook rice for me.


Anas is one of the richest men in the world, so he is donating a large amount of money to needy people.

Don’t Use a Comma with “So” + a Dependent Clause

Before moving forward in the topic, let’s know what a dependent clause is? A dependent clause is a clause that cannot explain a clear thought, and that’s why it is not a sentence and also can’t stand alone. The dependent clause contains both a subject and a verb. Adverb clauses, adjective clauses and noun clauses are also included in this clause.

If you want to connect an independent clause and a dependent clause can use So as a subordinating conjunction. For making a complete thought, complete understanding and meaning, a dependent clause always needs an independent clause with it.


He ran for help when he saw a murderer was near to him.

In the above example, when he saw a murderer was near to him, it doesn’t make any sense if these clauses stand on their own. It makes the one who is reading curious because the reader could be thinking like what happened when he saw a murderer was near to him. And at last, it also begins with the subordinating conjunction when.

We can also use So as subordinating conjunction, and whenso is used as subordinating conjunction, remember not to put a comma before so.


I went to the medical store so I could buy medicine.


Shifa is beautiful, so she’s getting many proposals.

A Quick Trick for Deciding If You Need a Comma before “So”

Try to replace “so” with “therefore” or “so that” whenever you are confused about whether you should use a comma before so or not. And as you used “therefore” or “so that”, and if it makes sense with the sentence and if there is no change in the meaning of the sentence, then the way is clear, and for sure you can use a comma before so at that place.

Let’s discuss one of the examples which we have discussed previously.


Anas is one of the richest men in the world,so he is donating a large amount of money to needy people.


Anas is one of the richest men in the world, therefore he is donating a large amount of money to needy people.

By the above example, we got the point that after using therefore it doesn’t make any difference in meaning, and hence it proved that so can be used as coordinating conjunction with a comma in the above sentence. In the same way, we can also uses o in place of so when we are proving that so is a subordinating conjunction.


I went to the medical store so I could buy medicine.


I went to the medical store so that I could buy medicine.

And as the substitution works in place of so, it makes clear understanding that there should be no use of commas in the sentence.

FAQ’s on Comma Before So

Question 1.
Do you put a comma after so at the beginning of a sentence?

In formal writing, we can’t put a comma after so at the beginning of a sentence.

Question 2.
What Are The 8 Rules For Commas?

We can use a comma to separate two independent clauses. After an introductory clause or phrase, we can use a comma. When there is a series of items, we can use a comma in between all the items. To set off nonrestrictive clauses, commas can be used. To set off an appositive, a comma can be used. If you want to indicate a direct address, then you also can use a comma. Also, to set off direct quotations, commas can be used.

Question 3.
When should I use a comma example?

In a series of three or more items, we can use commas to separate words and word groups into a series. For example, my favourite inspirational women are Selena, Kylie, Jannat, and Sana. There is something to note in the above example, and that is an Oxford comma. Do you guys know what is an Oxford comma and when we call a comma an Oxford comma? Let me explain in the above example the comma, which is used before and or after Jannat, is called an Oxford comma.

Question 4.
Is a comma splice wrong?

If you are joining two independent clauses with a comma, then it is an incorrect way to use a comma. And this mistake is called a comma splice. For example, I went to the swimming pool. Anas was there.

Question 5.
Which sentence correctly uses a comma to join an independent and dependent clause?

“Although I had been looking forward to the family function, I was just too tired to go.” The above sentence is one of the best sentences which explains how an independent and dependent clause can be joined using the comma correctly. If a dependent clause is following the independent clause, then you can’t use a comma after an independent clause.

Question 6.
What is a simple sentence with a comma?

If, in a sentence, there is only one independent clause and no dependent clause, then a sentence is called a simple sentence.

Question 7.
What are the four types of commas?

There are a total of four types of commas: the listing comma, the joining comma, the gapping comma and bracketing commas.

Final Words on Comma Before So

So, here we have discussed When to use a comma before “so” in detail. We had gathered information about When to use a comma before “so” from different platforms and then included all of them in this article. We have tried that there will be no need to read any other article for this topic if you go through this article. If you are interested in grammar, then this can be a very helpful and interesting article for you. If you love to learn about punctuation marks, when and how to use them, then also this article will help you throughout. If you guys find the information interesting, just share it with your friends and family members as they can also have some information regarding these topics. You can shower your point of view for this article in the comment box. I hope you guys like it. And will keep on updating such topics for our readers.

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