What Is A Claim In Writing? | Functions, Examples, Styles and Types

What Is A Claim In Writing?: Each argumentative thesis will include a thesis statement that clarifies the thesis’s position by presenting the central notion or argument; this is referred to as a claim. This might be seen as a fundamental definition of a claim or the answer to what is a claim in English.

It serves as the thesis’s beginning point and is vital since it provides readers with a reason to think critically about it. An argumentative thesis assertion should, in general, be contested.

One must be aware of what is evidence in writing as well as study a few claim and counterclaim examples. Only then will your viewers develop an interest in your topic and a cause to read it.

If something is easy accepted or pleasant, there is no value in pursuing it. It will be unassailable.

Although your essay may have several sub-arguments or claims, your stance may be powerfully established with the primary claim.

What Is A Claim In Writing?

What is a Claim?

A claim is a contested argument that typically asserts a reality that is not just subjective. It is concentrated on a single argument that defines your objective and the extent of your thesis.

Its primary objective is to bolster and substantiate your central point. It’s similar to someone arguing to establish his stance, which implies that he is making a claim.

A well-written claim statement will pique your readers’ curiosity. It will raise questions in their heads, which they may discover in your article. The central premise is backed by a multitude of arguments, and as a result, readers will find some of them acceptable while others will find them objectionable.

However, each of them will undoubtedly meet the expectations of certain readers.

A claim statement can take on a variety of forms. If you are not familiar with the distinctions between the categories, you may wind up creating a perplexing statement. Additionally, establishing the kind is perplexing and complex. To assist you with this issue, we’ve examined many common sorts of claim statements.

Function of Claim

Claims are critical while crafting any storey or script. When utilised properly, they may bolster your case. The distinction between various forms of claims may be quite perplexing and, at times, convoluted.

For example, a composition asserting that Vogel’s play sends an unfriendly social and ethical message concerning abuse may simultaneously contend that the play is visually defective.

A composition that continues to develop and advocate for an interpretative claim regarding another script demonstrates that it merits philosophical or aesthetic interpretation at the very least.

On the other hand, constructing an evaluative claim about composition will always need some degree of interpretation.

As a result, the dissimilarities are subtle and can only be discovered via attentive and thorough investigation; nonetheless, they are significant in the grand scheme of things. Thus, lest it is implied that you should do otherwise, you must always save evaluative statements for the conclusion and write an article that makes an interpretative claim.

What Is a Written Claim?

The simplest method to clarify a claim is to state that you are making a point (which is, after all, the purpose of your work). It’s a technique for presenting the key concept of your first point and structuring it in such a manner that it sounds like an argument. A claim is always an opinionated statement, regardless of the genre of writing; it is not necessarily backed up by facts.

Example of a Statement vs a Claim

Without any assistance, it might be difficult to distinguish between a statement and a claim. We’ve given an example of each to assist you.

“The price of gold has increased recently.” This is a statement, as you are stating a fact regarding the price of gold.

“Once the economy recovers, the price of gold will climb.” This is a claim since it is based on an opinion (even if the view is well-informed). There is no path to tell for certain whether this allegation is true until it occurs.

Claim-Based Writing Styles

When determining what constitutes a claim in writing, it helps to understand which styles of writing need the use of claims at all. Most frequently, you’ll discover that most assertions are utilised in academic writing and almost always when the writer has to convey a message to the reader.

Claim-based writing styles include essays with a clear objective or thesis, dissertations that seek to prove something, and scientific articles that demand a strong claim as a foundation.

Almost always, you’ll discover that the majority of assignments assigned at schools and universities require some sort of claim to be made fairly early on in order for them to be scored appropriately.

What is a Evidence In Writing?

Evidence is another form of a statement that is similar to the previous ones but is much more grounded in fact. Whereas a claim is very subjective and a statement simply states that something is true, the proof is utilised to demonstrate that a statement is true (or a claim is true).

Successfully presenting evidence needs some study since you’ll frequently need to get the information from a website to verify their accuracy.

It is rather simple to convert a claim to proof, provided you have the necessary facts to support it. Assume you update the above statement on the gold price to the following:

“According to this website, the price of gold has grown by $30 in the previous seven days.” By quoting the webpage and the specific data, you’ve added proof to your initial remark, transforming it into a more factual one.

Types of claims

To develop an effective claim statement, it is critical to understand the many sorts of claims. There are various other sorts of claims, such as definitive claims, value claims, and opposing claims, but we will address the most common and pertinent ones here.

You can select the most appropriate kind based on the subject and central concept of your thesis. The most often encountered claim types are as follows:

Cause and effect

This form of assertion is used to describe an impact in conjunction with the arguments detailing the underlying cause of a problem. You must write the primary and most powerful cause that resulted in a certain outcome.

For instance, you may describe legislation or a decision that has had a substantial impact on the behaviour of individuals or a certain segment of society.

An excellent example of this sort of assertion is “The implementation of GST has contributed significantly to India’s economic growth.”

The claim of solutions or policies

This is a form of assertion in which you express your support or opposition to a certain solution or policy. This is frequently used in writings discussing policies or large-scale solutions.

Your policy or remedy should make a compelling case for opposition and should not be personal or prejudiced. However, not every reader will concur with your points.

An excellent example of this sort of assertion is, “Instead of exploring for further oil resources, we should boost our usage of renewable energy and decrease our reliance on oil.”

Factual or conclusive claims

When you give a fact or a definition in conjunction with a compelling argument in a claim statement, this is referred to be a factual claim. This is utilised for research essays in where you establish or uncover a fact and make a compelling case for your audience. This form of claim statement debates a well-established fact or a definition.

“Greenhouse gases are necessary for life on earth, but their excessive emission has increased the temperature of the planet’s surface, resulting in global warming” is an example of a factual assertion.

Claim of value

A claim of value is one that debates the value of something or how something should be valued. This is advantageous when writing essays about subjects that are frequently overlooked. It might range from a general policy to particular worries about a society or a class.

“We should be more worried about the forest areas that are being lost rather than focusing only on industrialisation” is an example of a value assertion.

Elements of a Compelling Claim Statement

Your claim statement will determine whether or not your reader will continue reading. It’s deceptively difficult, and certain guidelines must be observed. We mentioned these principles below, and if you follow them, you can be quite certain that your claim statement will be strong and successful. Therefore, let us examine them.

  • Select and explore a subject of concern:

This is the initial and most critical topic to consider. If you are not assigned a topic, you should select one on your own, and it should be one that interests you. If you are quite passionate about the subject, your efforts in crafting your claim and reasons will be more productive.

When you’ve chosen a topic, you should reduce it down to a single point on which you may make an argument. You can discover several facets of a subject and write about one that can assist you in proving your point.

For instance, if your topic is global warming, you may use oil as a justification and demonstrate that it is the primary source of the problem being addressed.

  • Establish a question and respond to it with your thesis:

In its simplest form, a thesis is a problem or a question. Therefore, regardless of the subject, your thesis might be written as an answer to a question or a problem. Consider the question and write the best and shortest response possible.

That will be an argument, a fact, or a definition that will serve as the thesis’s focal point.

For instance, you may inquire, “Why should we purchase online for our everyday needs?” To answer this topic, your thesis or claim statement may be, “Online shopping sites make shopping easier and more convenient, allowing us to focus on other productive duties.”

  • Establish a purpose for your paper:

Which form of claim statement you will create is determined by the purpose of your paper. If your work is argumentative, you will be attempting to persuade your audience. For instance, you may state that “without the president’s deliberate and well-calculated actions, the United States would never have emerged from the economic crisis that began in the early 2000s.”

In this manner, you may establish an opinion, such as conquering severe economic difficulties, and back it with evidence, such as the president of the United States’ resolute and well-calculated actions.

  • Make a commitment to a single cause:

When writing an argumentative thesis or definition literature, you should advocate for a single central topic or problem. Though you will be covering numerous topics or facets of a single argument, you should devote greater focus to a single subject.

That is the main focal point around which the remainder of your article will develop. Throughout the report, you will be focusing only on that one subject.

To illustrate, we may create a claim statement along the lines of “The global war was fought between two factions of the globe, namely the axis and allies, but the allies battled to preserve humanity and freedom, while the axis powers sought to govern the world.”

In this case, you will either be defending the allies’ position or proving the axis powers guilty for the century’s most devastating conflict.

  • Consider an alternative angle on the subject:

To make your assertion credible and engaging, you should approach your reasons differently. Utilise a novel method of communicating our thoughts, facts, and definitions.

A thesis that is well-written and contains a compelling argument will be able to captivate readers and keep them engaged throughout your essay.

For instance, “While nuclear weapons have indirectly kept international powers out of conflict, they must be abolished to preserve global peace.”

  • Write your claim correctly:

Understanding what a claim is in an essay, the many sorts of claims, and what to include in it is insufficient. To make an effective claim, you must consider many critical aspects, which are listed below.

  • Choose what you are capable of proving:

Rather than drafting an unclear assertion that will be difficult to establish afterwards, you should select the one that is easily substantiated. It is preferable to prepare before filing a claim than to file one first and then prepare for it afterwards.

Your thesis statement is a concluding statement. As a result, you should write your claim with a focus on compelling evidence and reasoning. They should be credible and capable of substantiating your essay’s thesis. Therefore, be prepared and create just a claim statement that you can substantiate.

You should avoid asserting who is correct and who is incorrect. You should not pass judgement on someone without first meeting him or her. Another way of putting it is to proclaim, but with a good justification.

Therefore, write just those claims that you can substantiate. Additionally, avoid writing about a difficult theory about which you are unfamiliar or have limited expertise.

While reading your claim and argument, readers may have certain questions, which you must address in your essay. This is only achievable if you are crystal clear about your claim and are prepared to prove it.

  • Correctly format your claim:

Your claim statement will communicate your topic with the utmost conviction that you wish to demonstrate throughout your essay. The readers will definitely understand what your essay is about and whether or not they should read ahead, based on how you have constructed your assertion.

Ideally, your claim should inform the reader about the subject of your essay and the method by which you intend to support it. Bear in mind that your remark is not definitive. Indeed, you will argue in the essay to substantiate your factual point.

You only need to take a firm stance in favour of the central issue that you will defend with persuasive arguments.

  • Employ a resolute yet forceful tone:

When a reader reads a claim statement, it should immediately recognise it as the author’s claim. To do this, you must be attentive to the tone, words, and phrases you use when writing it. By using words such as “Though” or “Because,” you may make your assertion conclusive and forceful.

An excellent example of this is “Because of India’s diverse yet cohesive culture, and the country has been able to withstand invasions for thousands of years and maintain a stable development rate despite enormous difficulties following independence.”

  • Structure your claim appropriately:

A claim statement is critical, and as such, it should be put where your readers expect to see it, at the beginning. However, this does not imply you must begin with it. Ideally, you should include it towards the conclusion of the first paragraph. Additionally, it might be included in the introduction.

The placement of a claim inside an essay or research paper may also be determined by the length of the essay or research paper. However, it is wise to post information in a location where your readers may obtain it without having to read too much. As a result, including it near the conclusion of the first paragraph is more natural.

Bear in mind that your claim statement should be brief, ideally no more than two lines. Your readers should understand your idea without difficulty. As a result, it is advised that you avoid overly lengthy and complicated statements. Make it simple and enjoyable for your reader. Your remark is only successful if the reader continues reading after reading it.

A claim statement enables you to defend your position, and as such, it is an integral aspect of an essay or thesis. We have reviewed all feasible strategies and stages in this post, along with some examples, in order to assist you in writing an effective and compelling claim statement. I hope it proves beneficial to you.

How Should a Claim Paragraph Be Written?

Begin with a Hook

This is a paragraph’s opening sentence. Its primary objective is to pique the reader’s interest and compel them to continue reading.

The hook must be relevant to the paper’s general subject. A hook might take the form of a question, statistic, or quote.

Introduce the Subject

Declaring the paragraph’s topic assists the reader in following your argument. Additionally, it assists you in maintaining your concentrate on your work. Declaring the paragraph’s subject clarifies for both you and your reader what the paragraph is about.

Create a Claim

Introduce the assertion. This is the purpose of the paragraph or essay. It is your viewpoint or opinion on a certain subject. It informs the reader about the primary matter of the subject of the subsequent arguments.

The assertion is not your conclusive fact. You only need to take a firm stance in favour of the central topic that you will support with persuasive arguments. When drafting your assertion, you must use an assertive tone. This identifies it.

The words “though” and “because” contribute to the firmness and certainty of your statements. The assertion should be placed at the beginning of your essay. The reader should not be required to read much before reaching the assertion.

State Your Case

Claims should be based on verifiable facts. It is pointless to make a claim without good facts and arguments to back it up.

The arguments should be plausible and capable of substantiating your assertion. Statistics may help you build a case in support of your assertion. They communicate information in numerical form and are most persuasive when used sparingly in conjunction with an explanation of the significance of the numbers.

Regardless of whether statistics are regarded as real, they may be presented in a variety of ways to indicate a variety of conclusions. Statistical data may be used to display even contradictory facts.

Additionally, arguments can be made utilising expert viewpoints. While expert views differ from facts in that they are interpretations, they are founded on real evidence. Different specialists can get wildly divergent conclusions based on the same data.

This demonstrates that the opinions expressed may not be correct. This has no bearing on the viewpoints’ effectiveness or usefulness to support an argument. The judgement of specialists in your industry is critical in choosing the best strategy for defending your claim from your perspective.

Incorporate Visuals

Chats, tables, and figures can be utilised to visually convey critical information and improve readability.

They assist in presenting data that is too large to be conveyed properly in text form. The aim of your document and the requirements of your readers should influence whether you use text, tables, or figures.

Look for an Example

Examples can bolster your case for or against a statement’s truthfulness. The particular and information they supply assist in substantiating the allegation. They feature vivid descriptions that aid in capturing the reader’s attention. Conclusions may be formed simply from examples.

Examples might be general or personal in nature.

Be precise

Bear in mind that your paragraph should not be too lengthy. Briefly summarise the most critical points and go on to the next paragraph.


A claim is a kind of an argumentative thesis; it is commonly referred to as a claim when employed in a persuasive essay. You must defend your claims with a logical, compelling argument. Additionally, claims can be contested.

Regardless of the sort of claim, you will often combine many pieces of evidence with supporting it in order to produce a logical argument, including facts, case studies, justifications, and personal interviews, as necessary.

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