Thank You Letter | Formal and Informal Greeting Thank You Letter and Importance

Thank You Letter: Thank you letter is the expression of one person’s wish for appreciation to another. There can be different kinds of thank you letters starting from personal to professional and can be handwritten, typed or even customized based on occasions.

Writing thank you letters mostly has an emotional connection that results in a person being helped or grateful for any action. For example, you can write a thank you letter for the support you have received from your loved ones during a crucial time to feel important and loved.

You write a thank you letter to a teacher who has helped your academic career and has a big hand for the success you have faced with time. If you have a job and got a promotion for your work, you can also write a thank you letter to the boss for thanking them for the opportunity you have received.

Thank You Letter Format

What is a thank you letter?

Showing gratitude and love to someone is a form of respect that can be of many types, one of the most ancient forms is a handwritten thank you letter. Thank you letter is an appreciation that a person this is about when there help for example by a teacher, job interview friends and more.

Any other letter is important as a CV for a job, leave from work, and appreciation to a single person is also a crucial part of the whole circle. The tone and the genre of writing depends on the occasion you have been to

There are many situations where you can write a formal letter and situations which suits an informal letter.

Using formal thank, you letter

  1. When you get a promotion or recommendation from a client for any business body that directly affects your development of financial and experience, definitely or thank you letter to them to express your appreciation as they helped you in the business.
  2. If you are invited to a party at any place related to your workplace, you should drop a thank you letter after attending it or before attending it. If you cannot attend, drop a letter saying that you appreciate the invitation, but you won’t be able to attend; give a letter after the party is over thanking them for having you as a guest.
  3. To thank your staff or colleagues who have helped you meet the deadlines or has helped towards maintaining the work quality. Appreciating them will make the connection strong and will improve what quality and relations.
  4. Giving a thank you letter after a job interview should be written with the primary focus for thanking them for the time they have invested in you and the commitment they are looking forward from you but, it indirectly also works as a follow up after job interview so that the recruiter has your name in mind.

Using informal thank, you letter

  1. Sending a thank, you letter to a friend or a family member who invited you for gathering can we use two types. Send a mail letter if you cannot attend the party for some problem, but you appreciate them calling you or send a letter after you come back from the party and thanking them for having you over the gathering.
  2. Thank you to a friend who has helped you in any situation where you needed them the most; if handwritten, it can be customized based on the purpose you are writing a letter for.
  3. Thank you letter for the support you have received from any close or loved ones; they do not have a proper format to mention but is very close to the person who is receiving them.

Why is a thank you letter important?

As days pass, the communication system is improving and is becoming more easier for us to access. Of course, we have a cell phone, Facebook and many other social media sites by which we can type a thank you and send it to a person but writing a customized letter, be it a formal or informal letter, makes a big difference.

  1. Can strengthen relationship-most obvious reason to write a thank you letter is to strengthen relationships, be it with your boss or your friends. When the opposite person receives your note, they realize how grateful you are to them for the favour or help they have done to you, it can often be said to be a very formal way of writing, but it is worth all the time taken.
  2. Leaves a good impression- it can often be that when someone wanted to help you but was not to do it in a proper manner or the way you would have liked it to be but let them know that you appreciate their help and concern is a great way of communication. It shows how you appreciate the time they have taken out for you and have tried to do something that could have made your work easier and have helped you.
  3. It makes you grateful- there are many times when you receive a gift or appreciation without giving much in return; here are a simple appreciation of thank you letter makes a big difference on the giver. So the next time you open any gift or receive any from a person, you will be grateful and thank them.
  4. Shows courtesy and respect-writing a thank you letter after a job interview or after any professional work makes You thank them for the time and efforts they have invested in you. This will not link with the uncertain terms that might come in the future but will show them the respect they deserve.

What is an email thank you letter?

Email thank you letters are mostly a major part of an interview for business clients. Now, email letters are sent to recruiters so that there is no handwritten error and they have a copy always in hand.

As it is an email, a few things should be kept in mind while writing the letter. First, always try to keep a good impression and keep in touch.

  1. Keep your tone polite, and the receiver cannot guess your facial expression or gestures you have while writing the letter as it is solely based on what you write. Make sure the tone is polite and expresses the gratitude you have towards them.
  2. Keep it simple, and everyone is busy around the work; no one will read two pages of the letter does keep the letter short and stick to the points. Mention exactly why you are thankful for and the event you are concerned about so there is no overlapping.
  3. After sending the letter, which can be forwarded to any other person by the receiver, don’t write anything disrespectful or deceiving anyone.
  4. Do not include emojis for pictures, and email writing is often not informal, so avoid using anything that will cause distraction from the topic.

What is the importance of a handwritten thank you letter?

A handwritten letter may not be a very extravagance and formal letter. Still, it is very special to the receiver because it carries appreciation which is more than just a text.

  1. As a thank you letter is written for its sole purpose to show gratitude towards the receiver, a handwritten letter improves the mood and gives positive energy and makes them keep it close to their heart.
  2. In the era of online communication, a handwritten letter will help you stand out from the other people who have also shown their acknowledgement towards you. This is a sign of appreciating the other person as handwritten notes are very rare these days.
  3. Technology has indeed helped us connect with everyone worldwide, but as days are fast, communication here is losing its charm. Writing handwritten letters helps to rebuild real relationships.
  4. Writing letters was one of the ancient communication tools, so starting that all over again can be interesting and can be an asset to bring back our art.
  5. You can include a few things in the card to make it more personalized, like using cute stationery cards, attaching candies or treats that will make them feel how important they are in your life.

Steps to writing a thankyou letter?

Thank you letter is a very short letter written to show gratitude and thanks to the person in front of you. There is a basic format of writing a letter that includes

  1. Start the letter with greetings or salutations. These name letters are more personalized, so it will feel very natural if you are a teacher, your boss, or your friend. For example- Dear John
  2. Mention the reason and express your gratitude. Keep the body very short and include points so that the main focus stays on you, thanking the person for their time, attention, or other reasons. For example- thank you so much for having me at the party yesterday.
  3. Inquire about their well-being. Like any other letter, always start with writing a few lines about them and their family, asking if everyone is okay before starting with your Thanksgiving. For example- it is so good to hear that you’re back in the states hope to see you guys soon.
  4. Make them feel special. Let the receiver know that you appreciate the effort and trouble they have put in to make you smile; let them know that you will forever cherish their efforts. For example- I am very grateful for the help you have done for my family.
  5. After you are done with the whole letter, mention once again that you attend for doing and end the letter with closure and your name. For example- Greetings, Lisa

Formal greeting and closing of thankyou letter

The starting of the letter starts with be it if any type, Dhoni noticeable difference is the person for whom you are writing, few greeting styles are

  1. Respected first or last name
  2. Good morning/afternoon
  3. Dear with designation or post
  4. Greetings
  5. Mr/ Mrs

Any letter you send through mail or handwritten maintenance of proper format and the closing of which depends. A few common closing that you can use are

  1. With gratitude
  2. With appreciation
  3. Yours faithfully
  4. Best wishes
  5. Best regards
  6. Respectfully

Informal greeting and closing of thankyou letter

Informal letters are more personalized and closely revolve around your loved and known ones. Greetings of informal letters are easy and is a part of our day to day conversation; a few commonly used greetings are

  1. Hi
  2. Hello
  3. My friend
  4. Dear with last or first name
  5. Nickname or pet names

Even if it is an informal letter, not giving a closing can be seen as a rude and disrespectful gesture. It is better to take out time and add a small closing to your thank you letter. Some commonly used closings are

  1. Thanks
  2. Take care
  3. Meet you soon
  4. Talk to you soon
  5. Sincerely yours

Thus to conclude, we can say that writing thank you letters be it formal or informal, is a crucial part of communication. It can be written through mail or handwritten, with both having their significance; the main motive remains to show gratitude and thanks to the person who has helped you.

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