Post Early for Christmas Summary

“Post Early for Christmas Summary” is an age-old adage that underscores the importance of planning ahead during the holiday season. Post Early For Christmas Pdf the festive period approaches, individuals, families, and businesses are reminded to send their gifts, cards, and packages well in advance to ensure they reach their intended recipients in time for Christmas. Read More Class 12 English Summaries.

Post Early for Christmas About The Author

R.H. Wood is a British dramatist. He is remembered for his one act Play “Post Early for Christmas”. His plays are simple and he presents people in their ordinary life. The action of this play takes place in a post office in an English village. It is about a parcel mistaken for a time-bomb. It is relevant at a time when letter-bombs and parcel bombs are common.

Post Early for Christmas Summary

Scene: A Post Office, with posters reading, “POST EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS”.

The Assistant is complaining that the previous day was a busy day for her. She did not have a minute to rest. People were sending parcels and cards for Christmas. People are funny. One man came the other day and asked her where he could get a stamp. First the Assistant thought the man was playing a joke on her. Then there was the old man who could not see very well. He put his glasses on the counter. He wanted a pint of beer. The Assistant gave him a dozen penny stamps. She opens a book stamps and she sees a customer.

Page 135: Mrs Smith enters. She greets the Assistant and says it is cold. The Assistant agrees and adds that there will be snow for Christmas. Mrs. Smith says she does not like snow as it is not good for her rheumatism. Last year because of the snow and her rheumatism she could not enjoy at all. The Assistant then wishes that it should not snow and asks her what she wants. She wants a book of stamps and a postal order for half a crown (242 shillings). The Assistant asks her if she has no parcels. Mrs Smith says she has already sent her presents and cards. She believes in posting early for Christmas. The Assistant wants more people to do like Mrs. Smith. Parcels get damaged in the last-minute rush. She gives – the stamps and the postal order to Mrs. Smith.

Mrs. Jones enters. After thanking the Assistant, Mrs. Smith greets Mrs. Jones. She says she hasn’t seen her: for a long time. She enquires after her health.

Mrs. Jones moves to the counter. A deaf old man enters and stands at the back looking at a huge shopping list.

Mrs. Jones asks Mrs. Smith if she has finished her Christmas shopping. She is still in the middle of it. Mrs. Smith says she has posted her cards and presents.

Mrs. Jones gives some large parcels to the Assistant, who weighs them. Mrs. Jones tells Mrs. Smith that she is lucky. Then she tells the Assistant that she should be careful with the parcels as she does not want the presents to be damaged. The Assistant tells her that they do their best not to damage them. But why didn’t she post them last week?

Page 136: Mrs. Jones is not happy. She tells the Assistant that she will post her presents when she wants. The Assistant is polite and she says it will cost her 10 and 6 pence altogether. Mrs. Jones gives her the money.

Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith talk, standing away from the counter. The Deaf Old Man goes to the Assistant. She asks him how she can serve him. The gentleman says he has come to collect his old age pension. The assistant asks for his book. The gentleman does not hear properly. The assistant asks him: Did you bring the book? The gentlemen replies, “Of course, I didn’t bring my cook. My wife does all my cooking.” The assistant says he did not hear what she said. The gentleman again misunderstands. He replies: “Bed! Who ought to be in bed? I am not as young as I was, but I am still healthy. Don’t you be so impudent, young lady.”

The Assist once again says, “I’m afraid you didn’t hear what I said.” Again the gentleman mishears her and asks her who told her that he is called Ted. Is she trying to tell him his name? His name is Sam and he has come for his pension.

The Assistant again asks him if he has brought his book. The gentleman tells her not to speak about the cook. The Assistant loudly tells him she is talking of book and not cook. The gentleman asks her why she did not ask for it earlier and fumbles in his pockets. He gives the book to her.

Page 137 : Now he turns to the ladies and says it is too cold. The Assistant retums the book to him. He thanks her and mumbles his greetings for the season. The Assistant does not hear him properly and asks him what he said. He says she is a bit deaf. The Assistant is amused at the deaf man calling her deaf.

The deaf man is standing there counting his money. The Fussy Old Lady enters quickly.

The Old Lady rushes to the Assistant and tells her she needs her advice. The Assistant wants to know what the problem is. The Old lady says it is about her cat, Tiddles. Tiddles used to eat plenty but now she is not eating. The Assistant asks her if she has seen a vet. The Old lady says Tiddles has hurt her paw and it must have upset her. The old lady is confused as to what to do. The Assistant says she should put some antiseptic on the paw. The Old lady wants the Assistant to give it to her The Assistant tells her to get it from the chemist’s as this is a post office. The Old lady says she made a mistake; she thought it was a clinic for sick animals.

Page 138 : The Assistant tells her that the animal. clinic is at the end of the road. The Old says she is sorry. But she can’t go away without buying something. She will buy a two and half penny stamp. They are so beautiful and may be useful at this Christmas time.

The gentleman now talks to the lady. He says he knows something about cats and he could help her. At this time a Farmer, Mrs. Higgins and Bertie enter. The farmer greets the Assistant. He puts a parcel on the scales and asks her how much he has to pay. She says one and nine pence. Jokingly the Farmer asks if any bombs came in the post. The Assistant is surprised. Then the Farmer reads from the newspaper. “Bomb found in post office. Scotland Yard has issued a warning that a time-bomb disguised as a Christmas parcel was discovered in a London post office. Any suspicious-looking parcel should be reported at once to the local police station.”

The Assistant wants to know how one can tell it is a time-bomb. The Farmer explains that time-bombs usually tick just before they go off. If any parcel makes funny noises, she should be careful. Now Mrs. Jones recognizes the Farmer whose name is Mr. Brown. Now he talks to Mrs Jones and Mrs Smith. Bertie, an untidy boy, stares at Farmer Brown. His mother, a large, loud woman, goes to the counter.

Page 139 : Mrs. Higgins asks Bertie not to stare as it is rude. Bertie says, “O.K. Ma.’ Mrs Higgins tells him not to call her ‘Ma’, Then he calls her Mum. Mrs Higgins asks the Assistant to give her a book stamps and a money order for 2 pounds, 11 shillings and 5 pence. The Assistant gives her the book of stamps and asks her to fill in the money order form. As Mrs Higgins fills the form, she tells the boy to wipe his nose. He says he wants an engine. Mrs Higgins says this is a post office and engines are not sold there. Bertie says: “I seed ’em” next door. Mrs. Higgins is shocked at his language and asks him if he is not taught to speak English properly at school. He ‘corrects’ himself and says, “I sawed ’em”.

Mrs. Higgins agrees with him! She gives the form to the Assistant. Mrs. Higgins asks the boy not to play with the scales. She tells the Assistant he is a naughty boy and she does not know what to do with him.

Mrs. Higgins asks the boy to put his cap straight and pull his socks up. Bertie wants an ice cream. Mrs. Higgins wonders how he can eat ice cream in this weather. But she agrees to buy him if he behaves well. The Assistant asks her she has any more work at the post office.

Page 140: Mrs. Higgins says she wanted something else. But she has forgotten. She asks Bertie if he remembers it. Bertie says, “An engine’, Mrs. Higgins asks him not to be silly. Then he says it is ice cream. Mrs. Higgins says she wants to draw some money from her National Savings. Bertie wants to know if it is to buy him an engine. She asks him to keep quiet. The Assistant asks Higgins to give her the book and fill in the form.

A Foreign Tourist enters. He is dark and evil-looking. He is dressed in black and speaks with an accent. He greets the Assistant and tells her to send the parcel he has brought. It is for his friend. She wants to weigh it. As she weighs he leaves his gloves on the counter. She is happy the way the parcel is packed. It is very heavy. She says it will cost him five shillings. He thanks her. He walks away and then returns. He says he could not post the parcel early. He came to this country only a few days ago. The Assistant says it if is a present it will be in time. The Tourist says it is a special present. He wants to know how long it will take for it to reach the Central Post office to be sorted. The Assistant says it will be collected at midday.

Page 141 : The Tourist hopes they will take good care of his parcel. He wants to know if it will be opened. Will it be stolen? The Assistant assures him of the safety of the parcel. He thanks her and goes away leaving his gloves behind. The Assistant is a bit shaken. She wonders what is in the parcel. He seemed very anxious about it. Bertie goes to the parcel and looks at it.

Mrs. Smith asks the Farmer if he could give her a – turkey for Christmas. He says he can spare one. Mrs. Higgins asks Bertie to come away from the parcel. As Bertie is reluctant she tells him that he will not get his engine or anything else for Christmas unless he comes away quickly from the parcel. Bertie can hear some sound from the parcel and he asks her to listen. Mrs. Higgins does not want to listen and she does not want Bertie also – to listen. The Assistant asks Bertie what the matter is. Bertie says the parcel “ain’t ‘alf making a funny noise”. Mrs. Higgins asks the boy where his grammar is. The boy says she is at home watching television!

Page 142: Mrs Higgins threatens to punish him when they go home for his cheekiness. The Assistant says she heard some ticking noise. The Farmer says he can still hear it. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith can also hear. The Old gentleman wants to know what the people are hearing. The Old Lady says she can hear a most peculiar sound. What could it be! Farmer says it is a time-bomb. Everybody is worried and asks Where?’ The Farmer says it is in the parcel. The Old Lady wants to know what a time-bomb is. The Farmer says if they don’t do something fast, they will soon know what a time-bomb is. The Old Gentleman does not know what is the fuss about.

The Old Lady says, “It is about a time-bomb.” The Gentleman asks, “Tom? Tom who?” The Farmer says it is better to send for a policeman. Mrs. Higgins asks Bertie to go and bring a policeman. Bertie goes out. The Assistant says she will take it outside and she goes to pick it up. Farmer asks her to leave it there because if she takes it, it will explode and kill all of them. Assistant does not know what to do. Farmer says the ticking noise is getting louder. Assistant agrees. The Farmer asks all the people to take cover. They all hide.

Page 143: The Gentleman thinks they are playing hide and seek. A policeman comes with Bertie. The policeman asks why they all are hiding. Assistant says it is a time-bomb. Policeman asks Bertie if he has been doing any mischief. Farmer says there is a time-bomb in the parcel. Policeman asks him not to talk nonsense. Farmers asks him to listen to the noise from the parcel. Policeman listens and says there is a loud ticking noise. Farmer feels happy that he is proved right. He asks the Assistant go get a bucket of water. The Assistant goes out.

The policeman tells the farmer to mind his job and he will do his job. He takes out a notebook and he says, “I will take down a few details.” Mrs. Jones asks him whether it would not be better to open the parcel. The Assistant comes with a bucket of water. The policeman asks the people not to panic. He will soon know what it – is. He begins to un-wrap the parcel. The Foreign Tourist enters. He says he left his gloves there. The Farmer asks the policeman to stop the Tourist as he brought the parcel. Policeman wants to talk with the Tourist. The Farmer holds the Tourist’s arm.

Page 144: The Tourist asks the Farmer why he is holding him. The policeman says it was because of the parcel brought by him and he is going to open it. The Tourist asks him if he is mad. He should leave the parcel alone. Policeman insists that he will open it. Tourist says it is nonsense. The policeman says he wants to know what it is. Tourist says it was ticking but now it has stopped ticking. He calls the policeman a fool. He says he is ruined.

Farmer says it has stopped ticking and so it will go off. He cautions everybody. The policeman throws it into a bucket of water and everybody dives for cover.

The Tourist calls the policeman an idiot and tells him he would be punished for it. The Tourist takes it out of the bucket of water. It is a large clock. The Assistant exclaims ‘A clock”. The Tourist says he had brought it all the way from Switzerland. It is now ruined. He will sue everyone. He calls them blundering idiots. He will never post anything in this country again. “Post Early for Christmas!” He will see the Postmaster General about this. He goes out.

The Assistant puts on her coat and says, “Well, that is that!” The policeman wants to know where she is going. She says she is leaving the post office for ever. She is going to work in the animal dispensary. Animals don’t do such silly things. She walks proudly away!

Conclusion :

In conclusion, the timeless advice to “Post Early for Christmas” encapsulates the essence of preparedness and thoughtfulness that characterizes the holiday season. Post Early For Christmas Theme serves as a gentle reminder of the importance of planning ahead to ensure that our messages of love, goodwill, and gratitude are delivered on time.

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