Parts of a Cat | List of Parts of a Cat With Description and Images

Parts of a Cat: Pets are always adorable, aren’t they? Most of us love to have the company of the pet of our choice. It could be the playful dog or a perky little fish, and it could also be a tiny lizard or a bird, or maybe a cute yet slightly grumpy cat.

If we have a cat as our pet, we should be familiar with the cat body parts’ names, as it would help us understand them better. It is easy to take care of our cats if we are familiar with the information of the body parts cats used for protection or the cat body parts diagram. So let’s go through the list of parts of a cat.

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List of Parts of a Cat

Name of Parts of a Cat

Description of the Parts of a Cat on the list


The ears of the cat breeds are susceptible in nature. The out ear has an ear flap, which is also known as the pinna. The ears of the cats usually stay upright, except for some specific breeds which have folded ears, for example, the Scottish fold Cat, who has folded ears.

The small folding inside the cat ears are known as the “Henry’s pockets.” Cats are capable of hearing sounds which human beings are not able to. They can also listen to frequencies higher and lower than humans.


The eyes of the cats are one of the most unique parts of the animal world. The pupil of the cat eye is vertically shaped instead of being circular. Cats are capable of moving their pupils like an aperture of a camera with more finesse.

The pupils of the eyes are always black, but the eye as a whole differs in different colours. Cats also have excellent eyesight, which helps them in detecting objects more precisely.


The nose of a cat is also called the snout. The nose of the cat is slightly heart-shaped and has immense strength when it comes to smell. The average cat’s nose is supposed to stay moist too. The nose of a cat has around 200 million receptors of scent.


The cheeks of a cat, also known as the muzzle, are one of the cutest parts of this animal. They are soft, and the cats with big cheeks can be pulled wider. More enormous cheeks on cats are also one of the secondary sex characteristics which develop when the production and secretion of sex hormones take place.


Cats, just like human beings, have deciduous teeth, which means non-permanent teeth. They have a total of 30 adult teeth and 26 baby teeth. The 26 deciduous consists of twelve incisors, four canines, and 10 premolars. At the same time, the 30 permanent teeth consist of 12 incisors, 4 dogs, 4 molars, and 10 premolars.


The whiskers of cats are their sensory equipment which helps them out with their daily functions. The whiskers help the cats with their vision and hence guide them to look out for their surroundings.

They basically work like the antennae of insects. The whiskers have sensory organs; therefore, if by any chance one of its whiskers is removed, it will disable the cat from moving.


The mouths of the cats are pink or black in colour. And it’s healthy to have these colors. As the cats age, their pink lips might develop black pigmented spots, which is actually normal, and nothing to worry about.

The healthy gum will have the colour of bubble-gum pink. The tongue of the cat is also pink in colour and the saliva is used for cleaning the fur and also to lower the body temperature.

Parts of a Cat 1


All cats have nice and soft fur, except for a few breeds, for example the sphynx. The colour of the coat differs with every species. It might be greyish blue, or beige or even black or white. The coat of the cats helps them to keep themselves warm. It also protects the skin of the cats and keeps the skin dry.


The tail of the cat is an essential part of the cat’s body since it helps the cat to attend balance. When the cat is walking or running, it allows it to gain the balance hence they don’t fall down. It also helps them out with high jumps to catch their prey.


The paws of the cats have 3 digital pads, known as toe beans. They are named this way because of their bean shaped appearance. They are soft pink in colour. These digital pads together with the metacarpal and the metatarsal helps the cat to support its weight.


The claws of the cats are mainly used for hunting its prey. The nails are incredibly sharp which are capable of ripping apart flesh. The nails are always strong and cats uses them for climbing walls or trees.

Parts of a Cat 2

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