Parentheses Brackets Quotation Marks Ellipsis | All About Parentheses () Brackets [] Quotation Marks”” Ellipsis

Parentheses Brackets Quotation Marks Ellipsis: Let’s learn how and when to use Parentheses () Brackets [] Quotation marks”” Ellipsis, these punctuation marks. Sometimes using these punctuation marks can be very confusing and misusing can change the meaning of an entire sentence or paragraph. Hence, its essential to learn about them separately.

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Parenthesis ()

Parenthesis is a word that explains the sentences by adding Additional details that are inserted into a passage. Parenthesis are also known as parenthetical phrases. For representing parenthesis, we use round brackets, square brackets, dashes, and commas so parenthesis can be represented In the following ways.

When we want to add additional details about the sentences, then parentheses () are used. Many times Parentheses ()

can be changed into commas, in place of Parentheses () one can use commas easily, and it will not even change the meaning of sentences.

There are many types of Parenthesis and can be explained in the following ways with given examples: Introductory phrase, Interjection, Appositive, Aside, Absolute phrase, Free modifier, Resumptive modifier, Summative modifier. Let’s know every type of Parenthesis in short detail.

Introductory phrase: Once upon a time, I was working in ISRO

Interjection: I was working in ISRO, gosh damn it!

Appositive: I, my best friend and my girlfriend were working in ISRO.

Aside: if you don’t mind me telling you this, I was working for ISRO.

Absolute phrase: my eyes flashed flashing with rage, was working on ISRO.

Resumptive modifier: I was working in ISRO, I was the first to leave ISRO.

These are the few examples of Parenthesis as mentioned above.

When we aren’t writing parenthesis in curved brackets, then it is called parentheses.

Example of Parentheses ()

The two sisters (Shifa and Madina) are learning how to play the guitar.

Take out science chapter no. 9 crop production (pg. No. 90)

Nile (longest river) in the world.

Mubina (a beautiful girl) helped me with my makeup.

FAQ’s About Parentheses

Question 1.
What are the rules of parentheses?

Parenthesis plural is known as parentheses. It is also known as brackets. Usually, two rules are used for Parenthesis. And these are as follows: It is compulsory to use parentheses in pairs. The non-important information is enclosed under parentheses.

Question 2.
What is a parenthesis inside a parenthesis?

One can call it a nested parenthesis. One of the solutions to this problem is to convert parentheses into square brackets so that we can differentiate them from the original curved parentheses.

Question 3.
How often should you use parentheses?

If one wants to add non-important information in a sentence that makes no difference whether it is included or not, then parenthesis is used. Parentheses are always in pairs, which means if there is an opening end, then it is necessary that it also has a closing end.

Question 4.
Do you put periods in parenthesis?

If parentheses entirely enclose a sentence, then closing parenthesis takes periods inside. Or else periods will go outside.

Brackets [ ]

The punctuation marks which are used to represent tall fore- or back-facing are called Brackets. There are many types of brackets; Round brackets or parentheses, square brackets or brackets, curly brackets or braces, Angle brackets or chevrons.

Brackets are also called square brackets. Brackets are also one type of punctuation mark. Whenever we add information related to the technical nature or the information added by an editor, if we ignore the above information, the sentence would remain with the same meaning.

Individual brackets can be written as left bracket, right bracket, opening bracket, or closed bracket. To represent a specific form of a bracket, the working bracket is commonly used. An unqualified bracket is mostly equal to the round bracket and square bracket in English-speaking countries and the USA, respectively.

Brackets are also used most in Mathematics, and different shapes of brackets have different meanings.

History of Brackets

The first brackets to appear in written English is Chevrons ⟨ ⟩. Parenthesis looks like the shape of a crescent moon. Desiderius Erasmus discovered the name lunula, which means Parenthesis. The writers mainly use parenthesis in a typewriter. In teleprinters, Mainly square brackets appeared. IBM 7030 Stretch has an 8- bit coded character set that first part as Braces (curly brackets).

Examples of Brackets [ ]

Was he [The teacher] there when you arrived?

He wrote: “Those are my principals [sic].”

FAQ’S on Brackets

Question 1.
What do [] brackets mean in math?

Brackets represent interval notation. (1,5) means the value which lies between one and five are represented in it. [4,6] means the value between four and six and also four and six itself is included in it. {2,6,8} means the bracket including three numbers that are two, six and eight.

Question 2.
What are the four types of brackets?

So, as we know, there are four types of brackets. Let’s have a quick view of the type of brackets.

  1. round brackets, open brackets or parentheses: ( )
  2. square brackets closed brackets or box brackets: [ ]
  3. curly brackets, squiggly brackets, swirly brackets, braces, or chicken lips: { }
  4. angle brackets, diamond brackets, cone brackets or chevrons: < > or ⟨ ⟩

Question 3.
What do brackets mean in accounting?

If a particular figure is a negative number, it means a bracket or parenthesis on a Balance Sheet. A negative amount is like a bank account that is overdrawn.

Parentheses Brackets

Quotation Marks” “

In place of Quotation marks, we can use many words similar to quotes, quote marks, speech marks, inverted commas, or talking marks. Quotation marks are punctuation marks that are always in a pair used while writing a quote or phrase. There is one opening quotation mark in quotation marks and another closing quotation mark that can be the same or different.

For direct quotations in English, quotation marks are used.

Examples of Quotation marks” “

“I love you,” said Saiba.

“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” isn’t published yet.

FAQ’s on Quotation Marks

Question 1.
How do you use quotation marks?

In quotation marks, commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks. And colons and Semicolons go outside.

Question 2.
What is the difference between parentheses and quotation marks?

Whether it is parentheses or quotation marks, these both come in pairs as the shape of pairs of both of them is different. But the main difference which differs them both is the information which is enclosed in between those pairs.

Question 3.
How do you use quotation marks?

The rule of thumb is used in United Of America for quotation marks in which quotation marks always take these periods and commas inside it. And if there are colons, Semicolons or dashes, they lie outside the quotation marks.

Question 4.
What are the different types of quotation marks?

The inverted comma is also another name for quotation marks. Then also, it has a total of two types one is single quotes (`’) and the second one is double quotes (“). And the use of this is a little bit confusing and complicated.

Question 5.
What are the three types of quotations?

As mentioned in the question, there are three types of quotations, and there are the following types of Quotations: Direct quotes, In-text quotes, Indirect quotes are the three types of quotations.


Ellipsis can also be called dot-dot-dot. Usually, three dots are used to remove the not needed words and sentences. Ancient Greek is the origin of the word ellipsis.

Ellipsis can be seen in many formats like …AP format . . . Chicago forma

⋯ Mid-line ellipsis ⋮ Vertical ellipsis

The above representatives are formats of an ellipsis.

Different styles and systems try to represent ellipsis dots in different ways like

The manual style of Chicago Says There must be three dots, and non-breaking spaces should separate them. AP stylebooks say that there must be three dots, and they should not have any separation between them. And the third one says to use the Unicode character.

(…) three dots can be used for representing an ellipsis. We can also use three asterisks (***). This punctuation symbol is used to show that we can remove some words or some letters. Normally ellipsis is used to convert long sentences into short sentences and is also used to avoid unnecessary words. We used this ellipsis (…) to remove the words which have no meaning in the statement being made.

FAQ’S on Ellipsis

Question 1.
How do you use ellipses?

Ellipse is used to remove unwanted information at the beginning or end of a quote. One can also use ellipses for removing the whole sentences in quotes. And at last, you have to use ellipses in dialogue.

Question 2.
What is ellipsis in writing?

Ellipsis is one punctuation mark that has a total of three dots as its representation. And they are spaced after before and between the dots. When a writer wants to omit a sentence or any quote directly, the ellipsis is used.

Question 3.
Why do we use ellipsis?

Ellipses have different purposes to use, and they can also be very useful in writing. It is usually used for the words or sentences removed from the sentences as they are not useful and don’t make any sense. Either we keep it in a sentence or not.


Will be continued…

I don’t know….

This is all I can share All About Parentheses () Brackets [] Quotation marks”” Ellipsis … will be informative, and you’ll be having base ideas after reading this article.

Quotation Marks Ellipsis

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