Begging the Question Fallacy Examples | Description and Origin of Begging the Question Fallacy

Begging the Question Fallacy Examples: In simple words, we can explain fallacy as an argument that is founded on faulty logic. Begging the question is a fallacy in which a claim is made and accepted as true, yet the claim cannot be true unless the foundation is also true. In another way, one begs the question in a sentence based on evidence that forces one to believe the claim is true.

The complex question fallacy has a similar concept to begging the question fallacy. It is a question that, to be valid, requires the truth of another question that has yet to be proven.

One more related fallacy to begging the question fallacy is the composition fallacy. This informal fallacy that occurs when one assumes that something is true entirely because it is true of some component of the whole. In this article, you will get to know about such fallacies and their examples.

Begging the Question Fallacy

Description of Begging the Question Fallacy

The begging of the question fallacy arises when the premises of an argument presuppose rather than support the conclusion’s truthfulness. In other words, you assume the stand or position in issue, or a large portion of the stand, without proof. Arguing in a circle is an alternative term for begging the question.

To beg the question is not a logical fallacy in the truest sense. This is due to the fact that it is intellectually correct in the true sense of the word, yet it is completely unpersuasive. You are not contributing anything to the argument by attempting to prove something that is already considered to be true.

It’s the equivalent of stating a product is the costliest because it’s the most expensive.

The Origin of Begging the Question Fallacy

The begging of the question fallacy may be traced back to Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher. His original Greek writings were eventually translated into Latin, and “petitio principii” was one of the 13 fallacies enumerated in De SophisticisElenchis (Sophistical Refutations).

“Assuming the initial point” or “assuming the conclusion” would have been a better translation for the expression; however,the expression was later translated into English as “begging the question” somewhere in the 16th century.

Some Examples of Begging the Question Fallacy

In the context of logical argumentation, asking the question entails assuming the conclusion’s truth. Informally, begging the question can refer to several things, including evading or raising a question. Both can be well explained by a few of these examples listed below:

  1. The new iPhone is the hottest new device on the market;thus, everyone wants one!
  2. “How do you know the bible is divinely inspired?” says Stephen. “All scripture is supplied by divine inspiration of God,” states John in the third chapter of II Timothy.
  3. God exists because the Bible claims that he does, and the Bible claims to be from God.
  4. Celibacy is an unnatural and unhealthy behaviour because excluding sexual activity from one’s life is neither natural nor healthy.
  5. Because killing individuals is unethical, the death sentence is also unethical.
  6. Murder is inherently unethical. As a result, abortion is unethical.
  7. Thoughts are non-physical by nature; hence they are not part of the physical universe.
  8. The criminal’s rights are equally as vital as the victim’s rights. Everyone has the same rights.
  9. As everyone’s rights should be equal, the rights of the criminal should be as essential as the rights of the victim.
  10. Because all other values are lower to happiness, it is the highest good for a human being.
  11. As cigarettes are dangerous, smoking them can kill you.
  12. It goes without saying that smoking promotes cancer. Cigarette smoke contains carcinogens.
  13. Drinking eight cups of water a day is essential for optimum health since it helps to prevent infections.
  14. We’re trying to figure out why this community doesn’t have any renewable energy infrastructure, but you’ve only raised more questions!
  15. Because I have witnessed what can only be defined as paranormal activity, I believe it is real.
  16. This raises the issue of naming and shaming companies that do nothing to minimise their carbon footprint.
  17. Prosecutor to defendant: So, how did you feel when your wife was murdered?
  18. The entire abortion debate over the beginning of human existence is ludicrous. The rights of the baby should be considered.
  19. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet. After all, fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet.
  20. Student: Why didn’t my essay obtain full credit? Teacher: Because the prerequisites for full credit on your paper were not met.
  21. Mark: “How come Jean’s story wasn’t included in the student publication?” “Because it was deemed insufficiently worthy of publishing,” Sophie explains.
  22. The most important thing we can do is love one another. Love is superior to all other emotions.
  23. Some commonly accepted beliefs could be mistaken for not being false.
  24. Since they have sold more records than any other band, the Beatles are the greatest band of all time.
  25. Because all other feelings are inferior to love, it is the most significant emotion.
  26. As Marx so well recognised, those who deny Marxism’s validity are simply dancing to the tune of their capitalist masters.
  27. Minority rights are just as precious as majority rights because the majority’s rights are no more valuable than those of the minority.

Takeaway from the Article

In the context of arguments, the literal, historical sense of asking the issue, which is supported by lawyers, logicians, and philosophers, happens. Nothing is genuinely proved because of begging the question argument. To hide the fact that both signify the same thing, the conclusion repeats the claim. Criminal defendants and debate opponents can be put off their game by a carefully crafted argument that asks the question and proves nothing if such an effort succeeds.

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