Logos | Definition, Classification, Function, Meaning, Synonyms, Examples

Logos, a valuable device in literature, rhetoric, and other forms of writing, is an unavoidable component of any good piece of writing. Logos has its roots in the Greek word “logos”, which means “logic”.

You might wonder why this matters. Indeed, logos is one of the three main methods of argumentation introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. In this article, you will be introduced to all the essential information about logos, including their definition, examples, significance, characteristics, etc.

Logos Definition

A logos is a literary device that comes as a statement, sentence, or argument. It is used to convince or persuade the reader by appealing to reason or logic. Besides logos, arguments depend upon pathos and ethos.

“Logos,” as mentioned earlier, is a Greek word that has different meanings, including “reason,” “discourse,” and “plea.” A definition of logos was provided by Aristotle in his work Rhetoric, where he defined logos as “reasoned discourse”, pertaining to the realm of public speaking.

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Classification of Logos

Given below are two categories of logos:

  • Inductive reasoning: Inductive reasoning is an instance where you move from a piece of specific evidence or a case toward a conclusion or generalization. Inductive reasoning relies heavily on appropriate and convincing evidence that supports the point.
  • Deductive Reasoning: Deductive reasoning moves from a general point of view toward a specific case. The initial generalization must be based on reliable evidence.

In certain cases, both of these types of reasoning are used together.

Logos’ Function

For the following reasons, logos are used:

  • Logos is one of the primary ways to convince an audience of an argument
  • Logos add logic to a statement and hence appeal to the readers.
  • Most arguments will contain some appeal to logic.

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos

Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, introduced three kinds of rhetoric that aid in effective speaking and writing. These are pathos, logos, and ethos.

  • Logos appeal to logic. It involves a detailed approach to rhetoric. Logos is devoid of pathos or emotions. When you add pathos to logos, the argument becomes more effective.
  • Ethos appeals to ethics. As a writer, you should have appropriate knowledge of the subject. Ethos is helpful in building trust with an audience.
  • Pathos is used to evoke emotions in the reader.

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FAQs on Logos

Q1. What are logos?
Ans: A logos is a literary device that comes as a statement, sentence, or argument. It is used to convince or persuade the reader by appealing to reason or logic.

Q2. What are the two types of logos?
Ans: Inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning are the two types of logos.

Q3. What is the primary function of logos?
Ans: Logos are primarily used to appeal to logic. Adding logic is one of the easiest ways to convince the reader regarding an argument.


Logic has an inevitable role in literature as well as in everyday life. Logos is an appropriate device that can be used to appeal to logic. The use of pathos will enhance the legitimacy of your text. Understanding what logos are and their functions will surely help you get the attention of readers. However, be sure not to engage in the overuse of logos, as this will cause the readers to lose interest.

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