5 Letter Words with R

5 Letter Words that Contain R

aargh abhor
abler abort
abrin abris
acari accra
acerb acorn
acred acres
acrid acron
actor adder
adorb adore
adorn adret
aerie aesir
afire afore
afrit after
agars agers
agger aggro
agora agree
agura aider
aimer aired
airth airts
alarm alary
alder alert
altar alter
alure alvar
amber ambry
ameer amirs
amora amort
amour ancre
anear anger
angor angry
ansar antra
antre aorta
apart apery
aport appro
apres apron
araks arbor
arcae arced
arcus ardeb
ardor areal
areas areca
arena arepa
arete argal
argil argol
argon argot
argue argus
arias ariel
ariki arils
arise armed
armet armil
armor aroid
aroma arose
arrah arras
array arris
arrow arsis
arson artal
artel artsy
arvos asker
asper aster
astir atars
athar atria
atrip attar
auger augur
aurae aural
aurar auras
aurei auric
aurum avers
avert award
aware awner
ayres azure
baeer baire
bairn baker
baler barba
barbe barbs
barbu barde
bardo bards
bardy bared
barer bares
barfs barge
baric barks
barky barms
barmy barns
baron barre
barye baser
bazar beard
bears beers
beery begar
beret bergs
berme berms
berry berth
beryl bider
biers biker
birch birds
biris birks
birle birls
birne birri
birrs birse
birth biter
blare blear
bluer blurb
blurs blurt
board boars
boart bocor
bokor bolar
boors borak
boral boras
borax bored
borer bores
boric borks
borne boron
borts borty
bortz bourg
bourn bower
boxer boyar
brace bract
brads braes
brags brahs
braid brail
brain brake
brand brank
brans brant
brash brass
brats brava
brave bravo
brawl brawn
braxy brays
braza braze
bread break
bream brede
breed breen
breis brens
brent breve
brews briar
bribe brick
bride brief
brier brigs
brill brims
brine bring
brink briny
brios brise
brisk brits
britt broad
brobs broch
brock broil
broke brome
bronc brood
brook broom
brose brosy
broth brown
brows bruhs
bruin bruit
brule brume
brung brunt
brush brusk
brute buhrs
buran burbs
burds buret
burga burgh
burgs burin
burka burke
burls burly
burns burnt
burps burpy
burqa burro
burrs burry
bursa burse
burst buyer
byres byrri
caber cadre
cager caird
cairn cakra
caner caper
carat carbo
carbs cards
cared carer
cares caret
carex cargo
carks carle
carls carns
carny carob
carol carom
carpi carps
carry carse
carte carts
carve caser
cater cauri
caver cedar
ceder ceorl
ceras cerci
cered ceres
ceria ceric
ceros cerro
chair chard
chark charm
charr chars
chart chary
cheer chere
chert chirk
chiro chirp
chirr chiru
choir chord
chore churl
churn churr
cider cigar
circa circs
cires cirio
cirri citer
claro clary
clear clerk
cobra coder
coirs coker
color comdr
comer cooer
coper copra
coral cords
cored corer
cores corgi
coria corks
corky corms
corns cornu
corny corol
corps corse
corvo court
couru cover
cower cowry
coyer craal
crabs crack
craft crags
craic crake
cramp crams
crane crank
crape craps
crash crass
crate crave
crawl craws
craze crazy
creak cream
credo creds
creed creek
creel creep
creme crepe
crept crepy
cresc cress
crest crews
crias cribs
crick cried
crier cries
crime crimp
crine crise
crisp crits
croak crock
crocs croft
crone cronk
crony crook
croon crops
cropt crore
cross croup
crowd crown
crows croze
cruck crude
crudo cruds
cruel cruet
crumb crump
crunk cruor
crura cruse
crush crust
cruts crypt
cuber curbs
curch curds
curdy cured
curer cures
curet curia
curie curio
curls curly
curns currs
curry curse
curst curve
curvy cuter
cyber cyder
cymar czars
dairy damar
darby darcy
dared darer
dares dargs
daric darks
darns darts
dater dears
deary debar
decor decry
deers defer
demur denar
derby derma
derms derns
derps derpy
derry deter
dhikr diary
dicer diker
dimer dinar
diner direr
dirge dirks
dirls dirts
dirty disir
diver dobra
doers dolor
donor doors
doper dorab
dores dorje
dorky dorms
dormy dorps
dorrs dorsa
dorse dorty
doser doter
doura dower
dowry dozer
drabs draff
draft drags
drail drain
drake drama
drams drang
drank drape
drats drave
drawl drawn
draws drays
dread dream
drear dreck
dreed drees
dregs dreks
dress drest
dribs dried
drier dries
drift drill
drily drink
drips dript
drive droid
droit droke
droll drone
drool droop
drops dropt
dross drouk
drove drown
drubs drugs
druid drums
drung drunk
drupe druse
dryad dryas
dryer dryly
duper dural
duras dured
dures durns
duros durra
durst durum
dwarf dyers
eager eagre
eared earls
early earns
earth eater
ecrus edger
eerie egger
egret eider
elder elver
embar ember
emeer emery
emirs emmer
enorm enrol
enter entry
enure ephor
erase erect
erevs ergot
erica ernes
erode erose
erred error
erses erubs
eruct erupt
eruvs ervil
esker esrog
ester ether
etrog euros
evert every
ewers ewery
exert extra
exurb eyers
eyras eyres
eyrie eyrir
facer fader
faery fairs
fairy faker
fakir faqir
farad farce
farci farcy
fards fared
farer fares
farik farle
farls farms
faros farro
favor fears
femur feral
feres feria
ferly fermi
ferns ferny
ferry fetor
fever fewer
fiber fibre
fiery fifer
filar filer
finer fiord
fired firer
fires firms
firns firry
first firth
fiver fixer
fjord flair
flare fleer
flier flirt
floor flora
flory flour
fluor flyer
foram foray
forbs forby
force fordo
fords forel
fores forge
forgo forks
forky forme
forms forte
forth forts
forty forum
fours foyer
frack frags
frail frame
franc frank
fraps frass
frats fraud
frays freak
freed freer
frees frena
frere fresh
fress frets
friar fried
frier fries
frill frise
frisk frith
frits fritt
fritz frizz
frock froes
frogs frond
frons front
frore frosh
frost froth
frown frows
froze frugs
fruit frump
fryer fubar
fumer furan
furls furor
furos furry
furze fyrds
gager gamer
gaper garbs
gares garni
garth gater
gator gaurs
gazar gazer
gears genre
genro gerah
germs germy
giber girds
girls girly
girns giros
girsh girth
girts giver
glair glare
glary glory
gluer gnarl
gnarr gnars
goers gofer
gomer goner
goral gored
gores gorge
gorms gorps
gorse gorsy
gotra gourd
grabs grace
grade grads
graft grail
grain grama
gramp grams
grana grand
grans grant
grape graph
grapy grasp
grass grate
grave gravy
grays graze
great grebe
greed green
grees greet
grefa grego
greys grice
gride grids
grief griff
grift grigs
grill grime
grimy grind
grins griot
gripe grips
gript gripy
grist grith
grits groan
groat grody
grogs groin
groks groma
groom grope
gross grosz
grots group
grout grove
growl grown
grows grubs
grued gruel
grues gruff
grume grump
grunt grups
grush guard
guars guiro
gular gurge
gurry gursh
gurus gyral
gyres gyron
gyros gyrus
haars hairs
hairy haler
haori haram
hards hardy
hared harem
hares harim
harks harms
harps harpy
harry harsh
harts hater
haver hazer
heard hears
heart heder
heers heirs
henry herbs
herby herds
herem heres
herls herma
herms herns
heron heros
herps herry
hertz hewer
hexer hider
hiera hijra
hiker hilar
hired hiree
hirer hires
hiver hoard
hoars hoary
hoers homer
honer honor
hoper horal
horas horde
horme horns
horny horse
horst horsy
hoser houri
hours hover
huger humor
hurds hurls
hurly hurry
hurts hydra
hydro hyper
hyrax ichor
icier icker
idler iftar
ihram iircs
iller impar
incur indri
inert infer
infra inker
inner inter
intro inure
inurn irade
irate irids
irked irone
irons irony
iters ither
ivory ixora
izard izars
jager jalor
jalur japer
jarls jeers
jerid jerks
jerky jerry
jirds joker
jorum jural
jurat jurel
juror kafir
karat karma
karoo karos
karri karst
karts kauri
kaury kefir
keirs kerbs
kerfs kerne
kerns keros
kerry kiers
kirby kirks
kirns kiruv
kiter kiver
knars knurl
knurs korai
koros korun
kraal kraft
krait krans
krewe krill
kriss krona
krone kroon
kukri kurmi
kurns kurta
kurus laari
labor labra
lacer lader
lager lahar
laird lairs
lairy laker
lamer larch
lards lardy
laree lares
large largo
laris larks
larky larps
larry larum
larva laser
later laura
laver laxer
layer lazar
learn lears
leary leers
leery leger
lehrs lemur
leper lever
liard liars
liber libra
libri lidar
liers lifer
liger liker
liner liras
liter litre
liver livre
lobar loner
loper loral
loran lords
lordy lores
loris lorry
loser lours
loury lover
lower lucre
luger lunar
lurch lured
lurer lures
lurid lurks
lyard lyart
lyres lyric
maars macer
macro madre
mairs major
makar maker
malar manor
maras march
marcs mardy
mares marga
marge margs
maria marka
marks marls
marly maror
marry marse
marsh marts
marvy maser
mater mayor
mazer mbira
mears merch
merci mercs
mercy merde
meres merge
merit merks
merle merls
meros merry
meter metre
metro mewer
micra micro
mikra miler
mimer miner
minor mired
mires mirin
mirks mirky
mirth mirza
miser miter
mitra mitre
mixer mohur
moira moire
molar moors
moory moper
morae moral
moras moray
morel mores
morns moron
moror morph
morse morts
motor mourn
mover mower
mowra mucor
mucro mudra
mural muras
mured mures
murex murks
murky murra
murre muser
muter myron
myrrh nacre
nadir naira
nairu namer
narco narcs
nards nares
naris narks
nazir nears
neper neral
nerds nerdy
nerol nerts
nertz nerve
nervy never
newer nicer
niner niter
nitre nitro
noria noris
norms north
noter nuder
nurds nurls
nurse oared
oater occur
ocher ochre
ochry ocker
ocrea odder
odors odour
offer ofuro
ogler ogres
oiler okras
older omber
ombre omers
opera orach
oracy orale
orang orans
orant orate
orbed orbit
orcas orcin
order oread
organ oribi
oriel orles
orlet orlop
orlos ormer
ornis orpin
orris orrow
ortho orzos
osier other
ottar otter
ourie outer
outre ovary
overs overt
owner oxter
oyers pacer
padre padri
pager pairs
paler panir
paper parae
paras parch
pardi pards
pardy pared
pareo pares
pareu parka
parks parle
parls parms
parol parrs
parry parse
parti parts
party parve
parvo pater
paver pawer
payer pearl
pears peart
pedro peers
perch percs
perdu peres
peril peris
perks perky
perle perms
perps perry
perse peter
petro phars
piers piker
pilar piper
pirns piros
plier plyer
poker polar
poler poori
poors porch
pored pores
porgy poria
porks porky
porny ports
poser pours
power prads
prahu prams
prana prang
prank praos
prase prate
prats praus
prawn prays
preed preen
prees preop
preps presa
prese press
prest preta
prexy preys
price pricy
pride pried
prier pries
prigs prime
primi primo
primp prims
prink print
prion prior
prise prism
priss prius
privy prize
proas probe
probs prodd
prods proem
profs progs
prole promo
proms prone
prong prons
proof props
prose pross
prost prosy
proud prove
provo prowl
prows proxy
prude prune
prunt pruta
pryer psora
puler purda
puree purer
purge puris
purls purrs
purse pursy
purty pyran
pyres pyric
pyros qirsh
quark quart
quern query
quire quirk
quirt qursh
raabs rabal
rabat rabbi
rabic rabid
rabot raced
racer races
racks racon
radar radii
radio radix
radon raffe
raffs rafts
ragas raged
rages ragga
raggy ragis
ragus raias
raids rails
rains rainy
raise raita
rajah rajas
rakah rakas
raked rakee
raker rakes
rakis rakus
rales rally
ralph ramal
ramen ramet
ramie ramon
ramps ramus
ranch rando
rands randy
ranee range
rangs rangy
ranid ranis
ranks rants
raobs raper
raphe rapid
rared rarer
rares rasas
rased raser
rases rason
rasps raspy
ratal ratan
ratch rated
ratel rater
rates rathe
ratio ratty
raved ravel
raven raver
raves ravin
rawer rawin
rawly raxed
raxes rayah
rayas rayed
rayon razas
razed razee
razer razes
razor reach
react readd
reads ready
reais realm
reals reams
reaps rearm
rears reata
reave rebab
rebar rebbe
rebec rebel
rebid rebop
rebus rebut
rebuy recap
recce recco
reccy recks
recon recta
recti recto
recur recut
redan redds
reded redes
redia redid
redly redos
redox redry
redux redye
reeds reedy
reefs reeks
reeky reels
reest reeve
refed refel
refer reffo
refis refit
refix regal
regel reges
regle regma
rehab reice
reifs reify
reign reink
reins reist
reive rekey
relax relay
relic reman
remap remex
remit remix
renal rends
renew renga
renin renos
rente rents
reoil repay
repeg repel
repic repin
reply repos
repot repps
repro reran
rerun resat
resaw reses
reset resin
resit rests
retax retch
retem retia
retie retin
retox retro
retry reuse
revel revet
revue rewed
rewet rewin
rewon rheas
rheda rheme
rheum rhino
rhomb rhumb
rhyme rhyta
rials riant
riata ribat
ribby riced
ricer rices
ricey ricin
ricks rider
rides ridge
ridgy ridic
riels riffs
rifle rifts
right rigid
rigor riled
riles riley
rille rills
rimed rimes
rinds rindy
rings rinks
rinse riots
ripen riper
risen riser
rises rishi
risks risky
ritas rites
ritzy rival
rived rivel
riven river
rives rivet
riyal rizar
rlies rnges
roach roads
roams roans
roars roast
robed rober
robes robin
roble robot
rocks rocky
rodeo rodes
roger rogue
roids roils
roily rokes
roles rolfs
rolls roman
romps ronas
ronco ronde
rondo ronin
roods roofs
rooks rooky
rooms roomy
roose roost
rooti roots
rooty roped
roper ropes
roque rorts
rosed roses
roset roshi
rosin rotas
rotes rotis
rotls rotor
rotos rotta
rotte roues
rouge rough
round roups
roupy rouse
roust route
routh routs
roved roven
rover roves
rowan rowdy
rowed rowel
rowen rower
royal rting
ruana rubes
ruble ruche
rucks rudds
ruddy ruder
ruers ruffs
rugae rugby
ruing ruins
ruled ruler
rules rumal
rumba rumen
rummy rumor
rumpf rumps
runed runes
rungs runic
runny runts
runty runup
rupee rural
ruses rushy
rusks rusts
rusty ruths
rutin rutty
ryals rynds
ryots saber
sabra sabre
sacra safer
sager saker
saner sapor
saran sards
saree sarge
sargo saris
sarks sarky
sarod saros
satyr saury
saver savor
sawer sayer
scare scarf
scarp scars
scart scary
score scorn
scour scrag
scram scrap
scree screw
scrim scrip
scrod scrog
scrub scrum
scurf sears
seers segar
senor serac
serai seral
seres serfs
serge serif
serin serow
serry serum
serve servo
sever sewer
shair shard
share shark
sharp shear
sheer sherd
shier shire
shirk shirr
shirt shoer
shore shorn
short shred
shrew shrub
shrug shyer
siker sikra
simar siper
sired siree
siren sires
siris sirup
sitar sizar
sizer skier
skirl skirr
skirt skort
skrik slier
slurb slurp
slurs slyer
smarm smart
smear smirk
snare snarf
snark snarl
sneer snore
snort soars
sober sobor
sofar sofer
solar somer
sonar sopor
soras sorbs
sords sorer
sores sorgo
sorry sorta
sorts sorus
sours sower
spaer spare
spark spars
spear speer
speir sperm
spier spire
spirt spiry
spoor spore
sport sprag
sprat spray
spree sprig
sprit sprue
spurn spurs
spurt sruti
stair stare
stark stars
start steer
stere stern
stirk stirp
stirs store
stork storm
story stour
strap straw
stray strep
strew stria
strip strop
strow stroy
strum strut
sturt suber
sucre suers
sugar super
supra surah
sural suras
surds surer
surfs surfy
surge surgy
surly surra
sutra sward
sware swarf
swarm swart
swear sweer
swirl sword
swore sworn
syrup taber
tabor tahrs
taker taler
tamer taper
tapir tardo
tardy tared
tares targe
tarns tarok
taros tarot
tarps tarry
tarsi tarts
tarty tater
tawer taxer
tayra tears
teary tenor
terai terce
terga terms
terna terne
terns terra
terry terse
tetra thars
their there
therm third
thirl thorn
thoro thorp
thraw three
threw throb
throe throw
thrum thurl
thurm tiara
tiers tiger
tiler timer
tired tires
tirls tiros
titer titre
tolar toner
toper torah
toran torch
torcs tores
toric torii
toros torrs
torse torsi
torsk torso
torte torts
torus toter
tours tower
trace track
tract trade
tragi traik
trail train
trait trama
tramp trams
trank traps
trash trass
trave trawl
trayf trays
tread treat
treed treen
trees treks
trend tress
trets trews
treyf treys
triac triad
trial tribe
trice trick
tried trier
tries triga
trigo trigs
trike trill
trime trims
trine triol
trios tripe
trips trite
trogs trois
troke troll
tromp trona
trone troop
trope troth
trots trout
trove trows
truce truck
trued truer
trues trugs
trull truly
trump trunk
truss trust
truth tryma
tryst tsars
tuber tumor
tuner turbo
turds turfs
turfy turns
turnt turya
tutor tuyer
twerk twerp
twirl twirp
tyler tyred
tyres tyros
tzars udder
uhuru ulcer
ulnar ultra
umber umbra
umrah umras
unarm unary
unbar under
undry unrig
unrip upper
urans urase
urate urban
ureal ureas
uredo ureic
urena urged
urger urges
urial urine
ursid users
usher usurp
usury uteri
utter uxors
vairs vajra
valor vanir
vaper vapor
varas varia
varis varix
varna varus
varve veers
veery velar
verbs verge
verse verso
verst verts
vertu verve
vexer vicar
viers vigor
viler viper
viral vireo
vires virga
virid virls
virtu virus
visor vitra
vizir vizor
volar vomer
voter vower
vroom vrouw
wader wafer
wager waker
wards wared
wares warms
warns warps
warts warty
water waver
waxer wears
weary weber
weird weirs
wharf where
whirl whirr
whirs whorl
whort wider
wiper wired
wirer wires
wirra wiser
wooer words
wordy works
world worms
wormy worry
worse worst
worth worts
wrack wraps
wrapt wrath
wreak wreck
wrens wrest
wrick wrier
wring wrist
write writs
wrong wrote
wroth wrung
wryly wurst
xeric xerus
yager yarak
yards yarer
yarns yearn
years yerks
yirds yirrs
yores yourn
yours yurts
zaire zarfs
zatar zebra
zeros zikrs
ziram zoril
zorse zurfs

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