Skip to content11 Letter Words that Contain X
adipopexias | affixations |
aldohexoses | alexandrine |
alexandrite | alexithymia |
ambidexters | ambidextral |
ambisexuals | amoxicillin |
amphioxuses | amplexicaul |
amyxorrheas | amyxorrhoea |
anaphylaxis | androsphinx |
annexations | anorexiants |
anteflexion | antianxiety |
antihelixes | antioxidant |
antisexisms | antisexists |
anxiolytics | anxiousness |
approximant | approximate |
asexualised | asexualises |
asexualized | asexualizes |
asphyxiants | asphyxiated |
asphyxiates | asphyxiator |
autosexings | autotoxemia |
auxiliaries | auxocardias |
auxochromes | auxochromic |
auxotrophic | axanthopsia |
axiological | axiologists |
axiomatical | axonometric |
bandboxical | beatboxings |
benefactrix | biconvexity |
binoxalates | bisexualism |
bisexuality | bissextiles |
bissextuses | bobbysoxers |
bromosexual | bulimarexia |
bulimarexic | buxomnesses |
carboxylase | carboxylate |
cataplexies | cephalexins |
chemoreflex | chionodoxas |
ciphertexts | circumfixed |
circumfixes | cloxacillin |
coexecutors | coexecutrix |
coexistence | coextending |
coextension | coextensive |
coextrusion | commixtures |
complexions | complexness |
connexional | contextless |
contextural | contextured |
contextures | convexities |
coxcombical | coxcombries |
crucifixion | cyclohexane |
cytopharynx | cytotaxises |
deoxidising | deoxidizers |
deoxidizing | deoxygenate |
deoxygenise | deoxygenize |
deoxyribose | desexualize |
detoxicants | detoxicated |
detoxicates | detoxicator |
detoxifying | dexiocardia |
dexiotropic | dexterities |
dexterously | dextranases |
dextrocular | dextrorsely |
directrixes | disclimaxes |
dorsiflexor | doxological |
doxorubicin | doxycycline |
duplexities | echopraxias |
electroplax | embryotoxic |
endomixises | enterotoxin |
epiphylaxis | epistaxises |
epizeuxises | epoxidation |
epoxidising | epoxidizing |
ergotoxines | exacerbated |
exacerbates | exactitudes |
exactnesses | exaggerated |
exaggerates | exaggerator |
exaltations | exaltedness |
examination | examiningly |
exanimation | exanthemata |
exaptations | exasperated |
exasperater | exasperates |
excavations | exceedances |
exceedingly | excellences |
excellently | exceptional |
exceptively | excerptible |
excerptions | excessively |
excitations | excitedness |
excitements | excitomotor |
exclamation | exclamatory |
excludables | excludibles |
exclusioner | exclusively |
exclusivism | exclusivist |
exclusivity | excogitable |
excogitated | excogitates |
excogitator | excoriating |
excoriation | excorticate |
excremental | excrescence |
excrescency | excruciated |
excruciates | excubitoria |
exculpating | exculpation |
exculpatory | excursional |
excursioned | excursively |
excurvation | excurvature |
execrations | executional |
executioner | executively |
executorial | executrices |
executrixes | exegeticses |
exemplarily | exemplarism |
exemplarity | exemplified |
exemplifier | exemplifies |
exenterated | exenterates |
exercisable | exergamings |
exfiltrated | exfiltrates |
exfoliating | exfoliation |
exfoliative | exhalations |
exhaustible | exhaustions |
exhaustless | exhibitable |
exhibitants | exhibitions |
exhilarants | exhilarated |
exhilarates | exhilarator |
exhortation | exhortative |
exhortatory | exhortingly |
exhumations | existential |
exocytosing | exodermises |
exodontists | exogenously |
exonerateds | exonerating |
exoneration | exonerative |
exonerators | exoperidium |
exorability | exorbitance |
exorbitancy | exoskeletal |
exoskeleton | exotericism |
expansional | expansively |
expansivity | expatiating |
expatiation | expatiators |
expatriated | expatriates |
expectances | expectantly |
expectation | expectative |
expectingly | expectorant |
expectorate | expediating |
expediences | expediently |
expeditated | expeditates |
expeditions | expeditious |
expendables | expenditure |
expenseless | expensively |
experienced | experiencer |
experiences | experiments |
expertising | expertizing |
expiational | expirations |
expiscating | expiscation |
expiscatory | explainable |
explanation | explanative |
explanators | explanatory |
explemental | expletively |
explicandum | explicantia |
explicating | explication |
explicative | explicators |
explicatory | exploitable |
exploration | explorative |
exploratory | exploringly |
explosively | exponential |
exportation | exposedness |
expositions | expostulate |
expressages | expressible |
expressions | expressless |
expressways | expropriate |
expunctions | expurgating |
expurgation | expurgators |
expurgatory | exquisitely |
exsiccating | exsiccation |
exsiccative | exsiccators |
exsiccatums | exsolutions |
exstipulate | exstrophies |
extemporary | extemporise |
extemporize | extensional |
extensities | extensively |
extensivity | extenuating |
extenuation | extenuative |
extenuators | extenuatory |
exteriorise | exteriority |
exteriorize | exterminate |
extermining | externalise |
externalism | externalist |
externality | externalize |
externships | extinctions |
extirpating | extirpation |
extirpative | extirpators |
extollingly | extollments |
extorsively | extortioner |
extractable | extractants |
extractible | extractions |
extractives | extraditing |
extradition | extrafloral |
extralities | extrapolate |
extraposing | extravagant |
extravagate | extravasate |
extraverted | extremeness |
extremities | extricating |
extrication | extrinsical |
extroverted | exuberances |
exuberantly | exuberating |
exultancies | exultations |
exurbanites | exuviations |
fauxbourdon | ferredoxins |
fixednesses | fixtureless |
flexdollars | flexibility |
flexilities | flexionless |
flexitarian | flexitimers |
flexography | fluxionally |
fornicatrix | fraxinellas |
fricandeaux | fucoxanthin |
genuflexion | glyoxalines |
glyoxylates | gonyaulaxes |
hematoxylic | hematoxylin |
heteroauxin | heterodoxly |
heterosexes | heterotaxia |
heterotaxic | heterotaxis |
hexadecimal | hexaemerons |
hexagonally | hexahedrons |
hexahemeric | hexahemeron |
hexahydrate | hexahydroxy |
hexamerisms | hexanitrate |
hexapartite | hexaplarian |
hexastichic | hexastichon |
hexokinases | hexosamines |
homotaxises | hydrothorax |
hydroxylase | hydroxylate |
hydroxyurea | hydroxyzine |
hyperclimax | hyperoxemia |
hyperoxides | hypersexual |
hypopharynx | hypopraxias |
hypotaxises | hypoxanthic |
idoxuridine | immunotoxin |
indexations | indexically |
inexactness | inexcusable |
inexcusably | inexertions |
inexpedient | inexpensive |
inexplosive | innoxiously |
intermixing | intersexual |
intoxicable | intoxicants |
intoxicated | intoxicates |
intoxicator | irreflexive |
isoxsuprine | juxtaposing |
ketohexoses | legislatrix |
letterboxed | letterboxes |
lexicalised | lexicalises |
lexicalized | lexicalizes |
lexicologic | lixiviating |
lixiviation | loxodromics |
loxodromies | luxuriances |
luxuriantly | luxuriating |
luxuriation | luxuriously |
lymphotoxin | magnafluxed |
magnafluxes | mastopexies |
maxillaries | maxillipeds |
maximalists | maximations |
mediatrixes | methoxsalen |
metrosexual | mixableness |
mixednesses | mixologists |
mixotrophic | monohydroxy |
multiplexed | multiplexer |
multiplexes | multiplexor |
multireflex | myxasthenia |
myxomatoses | myxomatosis |
myxomycetes | myxoviruses |
naltrexones | nasopharynx |
neoorthodox | neurotoxins |
nondextrous | nonexacting |
nonexaction | nonexcepted |
nonexciting | nonexercise |
nonexertion | nonexertive |
nonexistent | nonexisting |
nonexpanded | nonexpiable |
nonexpiries | nonexpiring |
nonexposure | nonextended |
nonexternal | nonexultant |
nonfixation | nonflexible |
nonflexibly | nonorthodox |
nonsexually | nontaxables |
nontaxation | nontextural |
nontoxicity | noxiousness |
obnoxiously | ochratoxins |
orthopraxia | orthorexias |
orthorexics | ototoxicity |
outexecuted | outexecutes |
overanxiety | overanxious |
overcomplex | overexcited |
overexcites | overexerted |
overexpands | overexpects |
overexpends | overexplain |
overexposed | overexposes |
overexpress | overextends |
overextract | overextreme |
overflexion | overindexed |
overindexes | overlaxness |
overoxidize | overrelaxed |
overrelaxes | oxidational |
oxidimetric | oxidization |
oxyaldehyde | oxybenzenes |
oxycephalic | oxychloride |
oxygenating | oxygenation |
oxygenators | oxygenicity |
oxygenising | oxygenizers |
oxygenizing | oxyhydrogen |
oxymorphone | oxyneurines |
oxysulfides | paleocortex |
paradoxical | parataxises |
paroxetines | paroxytones |
paroxytonic | pepperboxes |
peroxidases | peroxidated |
peroxidates | peroxidised |
peroxidises | peroxidized |
peroxidizes | peroxisomal |
peroxisomes | peroxyacids |
perplexedly | phallotoxin |
phototaxies | phototoxins |
phyllotaxes | phyllotaxic |
phyllotaxis | phylloxerae |
phylloxeras | phytoalexin |
phytotoxins | picrotoxins |
pigeonpoxes | pillarboxed |
pillarboxes | pixelations |
pixellating | pixellation |
pixilations | pleiotaxies |
pleximeters | pleximetric |
polyhydroxy | postaxially |
postexilian | postmaximal |
postxiphoid | pramipexole |
preannexing | preclimaxes |
preexacting | preexamined |
preexaminer | preexamines |
preexchange | preexciting |
preexcluded | preexcludes |
preexcusing | preexecuted |
preexecutes | preexecutor |
preexempted | preexhausts |
preexhibits | preexistent |
preexisting | preexpanded |
preexpected | preexpended |
preexpenses | preexplains |
preexploded | preexplodes |
preexposure | preexpounds |
preextended | preextracts |
premaxillae | premixtures |
pressboxers | prolixities |
prophylaxis | proprietrix |
protaxation | prothoraxes |
protogalaxy | protoxylems |
proxemicses | proximately |
proximation | proximities |
psychotoxic | pyridoxines |
pyroxenites | pyroxylines |
pyrrhuloxia | quincunxial |
quinoxaline | quinoxalins |
reexaminers | reexamining |
reexcavated | reexcavates |
reexchanged | reexchanges |
reexecuting | reexecution |
reexercised | reexercises |
reexhibited | reexpanding |
reexpansion | reexpelling |
reexplained | reexplicate |
reexploring | reexporters |
reexporting | reexposures |
reexpressed | reexpresses |
reexpulsion | reflexively |
reflexivise | reflexivity |
reflexivize | reflexology |
relaxations | relaxedness |
relexifying | reoxidation |
reoxidizing | retaxations |
retexturing | retroflexed |
rheotaxises | rhodotoxins |
sapiosexual | saxophonist |
scramasaxes | semiexposed |
sesquioxide | sexagesimal |
sexennially | sexlessness |
sexological | sexologists |
sextillions | sextodecimo |
sextonships | sexualising |
sexualities | sexualizing |
shadowboxed | shadowboxes |
sociosexual | spermatoxic |
spermatoxin | spermotoxic |
spermotoxin | stereotaxic |
stereotaxis | strongboxes |
subaxillary | subclimaxes |
subexaminer | subexecutor |
subexternal | subflexuous |
subluxation | submatrixes |
submaxillae | suffixation |
superdeluxe | superexalts |
superexceed | superexerts |
superexpand | superexport |
superextend | superextoll |
superextols | superfluxes |
supergalaxy | superluxury |
superoxides | taxableness |
taxflations | taxgatherer |
taxidermies | taxidermist |
taximetrics | taxlessness |
taxonomical | taxonomists |
telotaxises | textbookish |
textualisms | textualists |
textureless | texturising |
texturizers | texturizing |
thermotaxic | thermotaxis |
thigmotaxis | thiothixene |
thixotropic | thromboxane |
tinderboxes | toxalbumins |
toxications | toxicogenic |
toxicologic | toxiphobias |
toxophilies | toxophilite |
toxoplasmas | toxoplasmic |
transfixing | transfixion |
transfluxes | transsexual |
triaxiality | unannexable |
unanxiously | unaxiomatic |
uncomplexly | underexpose |
undersexton | undexterous |
unexamining | unexcavated |
unexcellent | unexcelling |
unexcepting | unexceptive |
unexcerpted | unexcessive |
unexchanged | unexcitable |
unexcluding | unexclusive |
unexcursive | unexcusable |
unexcusably | unexecrated |
unexecuting | unexemplary |
unexempting | unexercised |
unexhausted | unexhibited |
unexigently | unexorcised |
unexpanding | unexpansive |
unexpectant | unexpecting |
unexpedient | unexpedited |
unexplained | unexploited |
unexplosive | unexponible |
unexporting | unexposable |
unexpounded | unexpressed |
unexpressly | unextracted |
unextrinsic | unexuberant |
unexudative | unfixedness |
unisexually | unluxuriant |
unluxurious | unnilhexium |
unobnoxious | unorthodoxy |
unoxidative | unparadoxal |
unperplexed | untextually |
untoxically | ununhexiums |
unvexatious | venlafaxine |
vexatiously | vexednesses |
vexillaries | vexillology |
vigoureuxes | xanthations |
xanthophore | xanthophyll |
xanthophyls | xenobiotics |
xenoblastic | xenocrystic |
xenogeneses | xenogenesis |
xenogenetic | xenomorphic |
xenophilias | xeriscaping |
xerographic | xeromorphic |
xerophagias | xerophagies |
xerophilies | xerophilous |
xerophytism | xerostomias |
xerothermic | xiphisterna |
xiphosurans | xylographer |
xylographic | xylophagous |
xylophilous | xylophonist |
xylotomists |