Question Mark | All About the Question Mark

Question Mark: The question mark is one of the punctuation marks, and what is a punctuation mark? Punctuation marks are used to punctuate to separate writing elements like sentences or phrases. There are a total of 14 punctuation marks, and all the punctuation marks have a particular symbol as the question mark is denoted by (?) and a simple example of a question mark is “what is your name?” So, basically, before studying the actual topic, you must have an idea about its basic introduction, so refer below:

A question mark is a punctuation mark and is denoted as “?”. A question mark is also known as interrogation point, query, or eroteme. ¿ Inverted question mark, ﹖Small question mark, Arabic question mark ؟ are some of the representations of question marks.

When you are inquiring about something or asking a question, a punctuation mark is used, and the question mark is symbolised as (?). If you want to receive any information, you use some words and sentences to know the answer, known as a question. In Insense, you need someone who provides information or an answer.

So now, let’s move on to the type of question marks. As of now, you guys have a basic idea regarding what is a question from the above paragraph.

Question Mark in English

Types of Question Marks

There are two types of Quotation marks:

  1. Indirect Questions
  2. Direct Questions.

Indirect Questions

It’s not used for direct questioning. In indirect questions, question marks aren’t used. In indirect Questions, a simple statement is used and which requires an answer. A simple example of indirect Questions is: “I don’t know, what’s that.”

Direct Questions

It’s used when you want a direct answer to a question. It’s straight to the point. A simple example of a direct question is: ‘what is this?’

People are Normally questioned about Where to Put a Question Mark, so it depends on the sentence, how the sentence is structured, and some general rules to understand where you can put a question mark.

Sentences with Quotation Marks

The question mark must be placed inside if a person asks a question in the form of a quote. But you have to keep question marks outside of the Quotation Mark if you ask a question about a quote. Some of the examples to understand the above statements:

“Can I have your pen?” He asked, here, the question mark is placed inside the quotation mark as the original speaker asks a question. Do you agree with the idea that “the person who loves you most is the one who hurt you the most”? — as in this question, the mark is out of quotation marks because here, the question is being asked for a quote.

Question Mark 1

Sentences with Parentheses

The way quotation marks function for question marks the same way. Parentheses function for a question mark. The question mark will appear inside parentheses if the question is being asked but not as a whole sentence. The parentheses would occur outside the parentheses if the entire question is asked and parentheses are used to add more information. Some of the examples to understand the above statements:

Shifa was looking at me (or was She?). – here, the question is asked inside the parentheses. Was Shifa looking at me (she might have just been avoiding looking at the sun)?– The question mark is outside of parentheses because the additional information given in the parentheses isn’t a question. So it is asked as a whole question.

Question Marks with Other Punctuation

Like an exclamation mark, the other punctuation mark can be combined with a question mark to ask a question. And such types of questions indicate the question is asked by a person who is angry or shocked. When the question mark and exclamation mark are combined, then it is known as the interrobang. Interrobang is represented as two separate punctuation marks ‘?!’ And many word processors combine these both.

Let’s look at how an interrobang works: What is your name?! – As the question mark is a primary function of this sentence, it comes first. And the function of an exclamation mark is to define the tone and mood of the question.

Multiple Question Marks

To increase excitement or confusion about something in informal writing, Multiple Question Mark is used. In fiction writing and formal writing, you will not find the usage of Multiple Question Marks in a row, but sometimes it is used in fiction writing and formal writing when the writer wants to show that a character received a message from his friends.

Let’s look at how Multiple Question Marks

is used in fiction and formal writing if you are messaging a friend: you are expecting twins???? Congratulations! It indicates that you are excited about the news, but you are asking for it just for confirmation. But primarily, Multiple Question Marks can only be used in informal writing.

When and How to Use Question Marks?

After an interrogative sentence, we use a question mark. Question marks were developed in the 18th century around the world. And as we know, it is an essential part of the English language.

We Use A Question Mark To End A Direct Question?


  • Have you seen the email yet?
  • What is he doing?
  • Who is this?
  • Are you sad?
  • Is this your swimming pool?
  • Is it costly?
  • Where is your home?
  • Who is that boy?
  • Do you like crazy girls?

We use question marks to express uncertainty.


Don’t you know her? She’s your neighbour.

Is she sick? I saw her going out this morning.

Anas was born in 2002 (?).

We use a question mark to end a tag question.

To ask for confirmation in a sentence, question tags are added at the end of the sentence.


  • You have never seen that, have you?
  • He’s not doing very well, is He?
  • They finished on time, didn’t They?
  • She’s intelligent, isn’t she?

There weren’t any problems when you talked to Yashodhara, were there?

We Use Question Marks In A Series Of Questions.


Is he good looking? Money? Bangalow?

Is she been hospitalised? Why didn’t you tell me? Is She still alive?

When Should A Question Mark Not Be Used?

If you aren’t asking the question, You shouldn’t use the question mark because you are requesting that someone else ask you. For a direct question, a question would end with a question mark.

Question Mark 2

When To Use A Period

If a question is hiding as a statement trying to have a question answered, then one can use a period.

I wonder if I can talk here. – Here, a period is used instead of a question mark because a subtle question is asked here, but it’s a sentence.

Expressing Doubt

If you are uncertain about something, then you can use an indirect question to express doubt. Example: She doesn’t know if he went to the hospital – it’s expressing doubt and functioning as an indirect question.

FAQ’s on Question Mark

Question 1.
What is the rule for question marks?

Who, when, where, why, what, which, and how are the words used in the sentence to indicate that the sentence is a question. If these above words are used at the starting of the sentence, then it is a question, denoted by a question mark. The question mark indicates to your public readers that your sentence should be read as a question.

Question 2.
What are question marks and examples?

A question mark is used where a question ends. For example: what is your name? Are you 18 years old?

Question 3.
How do you explain a question mark to a child?

When the question has ended, a symbol or a punctuation mark is used, known as a question mark. Question marks can also be known as interrogation points.

Question 4.
What is an upside-down question mark called?

In Spain and Latin American Spanish, the upside-down question mark, inverted question marks, or exclamation points are used.

Question 5.
What is the origin of the question mark?

In middle age, people try to show that the sentence is asked as a question, and for that, at the end of the sentence, they add ‘quaestio’ and then after some time, it is shortened to “qo”. Normally q is written on the top of o. And after that, at last, we used the modern question mark which we are using to date.

Question 6.
What is the use of a question mark?

To indicate that a sentence is a question, the question mark is used.

Final Words on Question Mark

Talking simply, a question mark is used when we ask something from someone. There are several rules of using it hence you must know them all.

This is all regarding the question mark. We added an extra-base of question marks too. So, that’s easy to understand for our audience. And at last, hope you guys find it informative and exciting. And after reading this, you’ll have a clear idea about a question mark.

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