Parts of the Face Vocabulary | List of Parts of Face Vocabulary With Description

Parts of the Face Vocabulary: We all live in a society filled with beautiful living beings. Each one of us has a unique look to ourselves, which makes us who we are. The parts of our face detailed are specific to us, which makes us stand out from everyone else.

We need to know the names of our face part names in English since it would help us in various aspects of life, such as if we have to explain a particular disease-related to our face to the doctor, we can use parts of face medical terms to express our statement. So let us get familiar with the list of Parts of Face Vocabulary.

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List of Parts of Face Vocabulary in English

Names of Parts of Face Vocabulary Words

Since our faces all have common facial parts, which differ based on features, let’s learn the face parts name with pictures. We also need to know face parts’ names in English since it helps us recognize our details better.

List of Parts of Face

Description of the Parts of Face Vocabulary Words


Even though hair consists of a simple structure, they are made up of a tough protein called keratin. Our face is also covered with tiny hairs. Our scalp is covered with the most hair, which gives us our pretty hair, and we can take care of it and style it the way we want to.


The juncture at the side of the head behind the eyes, where the frontal, the temporal, the parietal, and the sphenoid bones fuse, is called the temple. Temples are weak since, at the point of their meeting, there is no bone beneath them.


Eyelashes are tiny hairs that grow from the edge of the eyes. It grows in just a layer, and its work is to protect the eye from dust and debris. They also help in cleaning the eye.


Located between the cornea and the lens, Iris acts as a curtain near the front of the eye that allows light to enter the eye. It also controls the amount of light that can enter the eye.


The skin area below our eyes and situated between our ears and nose are called the cheek. Cheeks tend to change color along with different emotions. But the color is usually red or pinkish or even bluish if injured. Cheeks can be exceptionally soft, but sometimes they can be slightly tight, depending on the person and the quality of the skin. The upper cheek consists of the Zygomatic bone.


Cheekbones are the structure of our face underneath our skin, which determines the middle portion of our face. It’s the cheekbones which give us the uplift of our cheeks.


Nostrils are the principal organs of the olfactory system. The nasal bones and the cartilages always determine the shape of our noses. The nostrils are designed to take in any smell and detect the respective item.


Lips are the visible part of the mouth. They are made up of two plums and soft parts, the upper lip and the lower lip. Lips help us in speech and eating.


The neck is the starting point of the spinal cord and the spinal column. Our neck is the part of the body that connects the head with the torso. Our neck helps us by providing mobility and movement of the head.


The forehead is the vital part of the face above our eyebrows and below the hairline. Two features bind our forehead. Two of them are the skull, and one of them is the scalp. The side of the forehead is called the temples.


The eyebrow is an area consisting of short hairs right above each eye, and it follows the shape of the lower outline of the ridges of the brows. In Humans, the eyebrow helps us with our expression of communication and also it prevents sweat that falls into our eye sockets.


The specialized organ capable of capturing visual images and directing them to our brains, which helps us identify the substance or the person or the image kept in front of us, is the Eyes. Eyes also help us with our communication expression, and it is also how we express our facial feelings.


The eyelid is the sensitive cover of skin placed over our eyes, whose principal work is to protect your eyes from any type of external injury. The appearance of the eyelid varies with different populations throughout the world. It depends on the race and the genes of the person.

Under Eye

The space beneath our eyes is called the under the eye. Under eyes can be of particular skin color or get brownish or darkish due to stress, anxiety, insomnia, overwork, and many other factors. And the natural remedy for this is to drink an adequate amount of water and sleep well.


Our ear is the organ, which helps us with hearing and balance. We are able to capture sounds with the help of our ears. The ear has four distinct parts: the external ear, Tympanic membrane, middle ear, and Inner ear.


The most prominent structure is situated between the eyes, which serves as the entrance to our respiratory tracks. Our nose helps us to take in air for respiration and also helps us to detect the smell so that we are capable of identifying the object in front of us. It also filters the air before we completely inhale the air.

Parts of Face 1


Our jaw is the set of bones that holds our bones in order. Our jaw is divided into two parts. The upper part of the jaw or the upper jay is known scientifically as the Maxilla, and the jaw below, known as the lower jaw is called the Mandible. The Mandible is the part that moves, whereas Maxilla does not move.


Our mouth is the oval-shaped cavity present inside our skull. The month is divided into different parts. The parts of the mouth are lips, vestibule, the mouth cavity, teeth, hard and soft palate and gums, the tongue, and the salivary glands. The principal function of the mouth is to help us with our speech and to eat our food.


The hardest substance of our body, teeth, plays a vital role in chewing. The sharp bones help us to disintegrate the food particles into smaller sizes, suitable for swallowing. Teeth are also very parts of our speech, since, with the help of our teeth, we can produce sounds, and make words, hence sentences. The four parts of our teeth are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.


The protruding portion of the face below the mouth is called the chin. It is the pointed part of the Mandible, below the lower lip. The size of the chin ranges from 0.7 cm to 1.1 cm.


Moustache is the part of the hair that is grown from the space above the upper lips. The junction located in between the upper lips and the nose. Males wear moustaches in various styles throughout history, and it is still carried on in the present.


Beard is the patch of hair that grows on the chin, jaw, upper lip, lower lip, neck and cheeks of human beings, only of adult males. Beard also like moustache is worn in different styles by males. Some women with a hormonal condition called hirsutism of excessive hair also grow a beard.

Parts of Face 2


Moles are a common type of darkish or brownish skin growth. They are often very small and are caused by clusters of pigmented cells. The number of moles varies for everyone. Most people have 10 to 40 moles, which also may change or fade away with time


Dimples are natural punctuations made on our skin, on the face while smiling or talking. They are made close to the cheeks; in the place between the cheeks are the jaw.

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